Shebullshits on C Span?

Good catch.

SS is not gender specific.

Now I just need to find a woman who wants me as her "Trophy" Husband and sit back and collect the spousal benefit at retirement....I think my current wife will have issues with this plan though.
Now I just need to find a woman who wants me as her "Trophy" Husband and sit back and collect the spousal benefit at retirement....I think my current wife will have issues with this plan though.

Just a wag, but if you find such a woman what makes you think you can get out of your current situation with body parts still intact?
Just a wag, but if you find such a woman what makes you think you can get out of your current situation with body parts still intact?

Well she says I can sleep with any woman I want just to never come home and she would keep custody of the kids and all of our assets....All and All not such a bad exchange :)

For the record I love my wife and the jokes displayed here are for entertainment only.