- 1,007
Thanks for all the feedback!
The reason I, well we, do not have health insurance is neither my wife's, or my, employer offers any. We are older (50+) with some health issues. That is why we don't have any, the cost is puts it out of our reach.
We did have good insurance up to a year and a half ago, when my former employeer let several of us go, economic cutbacks, Thanks Obama!!!
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"If you truly cannot affford the current prices, I would check with your state insurance dept (or other resource) for coverage available to low-income persons. You may have something available to you."
We have look into this and what is offered would cost us over 1100 per month. Way out of our budget!
But thanks!
many Blues offer Income based plans.. Look harder, you cannot afford to be without coverage. Your health is the biggest asset you have.