Shut Up and Sell


5000 Post Club
Shut Up and Sell
By Charles H. Green

Customers want your help--but they want your ear first.

The truism "people don't care what you know until they know that you care" is profoundly true. If you try move a conversation straight from "how 'bout them Saints" into your pitch, you're dead.

First, you have to do some serious listening

And I don't mean listening to identify needs. I mean the act of listening itself--not just waiting for data you may extract to justify the pitch you're waiting to deliver. Great listening is not about fixing customers' problems; it's about the respect the customer feels when you're paying attention to them.

The sad news is that the act of listening--an important part of any sale--is sorely lacking. The worse news is that this goes double for men

If you want to read all of this click here.
I agree but it also depends on who and what you are selling.
I think the title of this thread would have been more appropriate if it read, "Shut Up and Listen".

One never learns anything when talking.