Sluggish Forum Update


We have been under DDOS attack since last night. You may have and may continue to notice forum sluggishness until we can get them off our backs
August 11, 2015

Today the forum non-responsiveness/attacks on the forum are coming in waves that last about 5 minutes, at my location.

And I thought the attacks aimed at the AboveTopSecret forum were bad. Someone really doesn't like how insurance-forums members are reporting news, tips, and assisting each other.
August 11, 2015

Today the forum non-responsiveness/attacks on the forum are coming in waves that last about 5 minutes, at my location.

And I thought the attacks aimed at the AboveTopSecret forum were bad. Someone really doesn't like how insurance-forums members are reporting news, tips, and assisting each other.

Lincoln Heritage strikes again???? :laugh:

Please report if you continue experiencing slow pageloads. But before you do, I kindly ask you to logout, clear your cookies and browser cache, then try again.

Best regards,