SNL Graded Typical Cases

I've had a few thy were on inhalers for non-COPD cases. But we're also on Insulin. I committed the cardinal sin and called the company to ask. They said they would approve it as applied if that was the case.

I haven't called in on the last few. Maybe that's the issue.


I was hoping that was a niche I found. 40+ units of insulin users with inhalers not for COPD.

Yea we don't have a whole lot of options for folks that use any inhalers other than Albuterol. The only one that I know of is Assurity and then you are walking on egg shells.
Yea we don't have a whole lot of options for folks that use any inhalers other than Albuterol. The only one that I know of is Assurity and then you are walking on egg shells.

Now I know in many cases, the client is either lying or is just in denial. I do know Oxford will take this risk, but I hate dealing with Oxford.