Snowe and Collins


5000 Post Club
Let the record show that they both voted against this bill. It is true that a vote to get it out on to the floor is not necessarily a vote for the final bill but a vote to not even allow it out on to the floor is clearly a vote against it. There is no other way to interpret it.

Those of you who wish to redeem yourself but rename nameless can do so by sending some free leads my way, or in the alternative, something of value.

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When I was watching there were 60 for and 39 against? How do we not total 100?
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Thirty-nine of the 40 Senate Republicans opposed the motion. Sen. George Voinovich, R-Ohio, didn't vote.

Watch this snake in the grass... I am from Ohio, and can say he can not be trusted. I'l love to know why he didn't vote.
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He had stated that he would not be present for the vote. He is back in Ohio getting ready for his 30-year anniversary (1979 when he was elected Mayor of Cleveland).

But he does oppose this bill (See below):

"The two-thousand page, two-trillion dollar bill proposed by Sen. Reid cuts Medicare, raises taxes, increases premiums, hurts states and threatens the health choices that millions currently enjoy. This is not reform, and it is not what the American people are asking for. That is why I cannot support Sen. Reid's health care bill and will not support the vote on the motion to proceed to the bill."
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OK I feel better now. Not sure that justified being absent though.

Tell the lazy bastard to get his fingers out his butt and go vote. Get rid of him. You have men and women overseas fighting for democracy and this toadstool can't show up to vote on one of the major bills in his lifetime because he is preparing to be sworn in as Grand Lizard down at the lodge or something. People like him make me want to puke. That includes people like Sarah Palin who wont show up as needed to serve their country because they have something better going on.

He will be home for Thanksgiving I am sure. The troops will not. He needs to serve his country and help out or be tossed out of office. Couldnt care less whether he is a dem or repub and if he showed and voted for the bill I would say the same thing. Show up goddamit. What a watered-down coutnry this is becoming.

Also, I am still evaluationg Mary Landrieu. Can't tell yet whether she is a whore or not by letting them bribe her with 100 million for LA if she voted for the bill. I am thinking she is but am going to remain undecided for a while longer. I support LA getting those funds and in fact LA and Katrina area residents can have all the stimulus funds from my state as far as I am concerned but I dont like whoring around and briibery and corruption.

We need to hold some of these clowns in Washington to a higher standard. The Founding Fathers were not low-lifers who were unsure about whether they needed to show up or not.

I might mellow out a little after I finish my coffee but people like that Ohio twit piss me off.
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If his vote would have made a difference, I would agree. Would not have mattered, I'm sure he knew that.

If it had been a Monday - Friday vote, I would agree with you. On a Saturday night, when they made committments weeks ago, I have less objection.

My real question is why wasn't this vote done during a regular Monday through Friday schedule. Saturday's seem to be the thing for healthcare. While I agree it is an important vote and he absolutely should have done anything he could have to be there, I wouldn't sweat it so much.

By the way, Landrieu has admitted the bribe was not $100M, it was in fact $300M. I reserve judgement on the need. I haven't been to the area since Katrina, but we've poured a LOT of money into this. How much more do we need to spend? Have we crossed the line from humanitarian efforts to being taken advantage of? How much is the fed and America as a whole responsible for vs the local area residents? I have no idea on this, I just hate to see this be part of the healthcare debate.

If it had been a Monday - Friday vote, I would agree with you. On a Saturday night, when they made committments weeks ago, I have less objection.


Yup. And there is room for cultural differences between states as well.

I would not "allow" that kind of behavior from Snowe or Collins regardless of what the work ethic is elsewhere. I expect them to show up, help out, make some mistakes, take criticism, dish it out, vote, be counted, and stand answerable to the voters. That is not the work ethic and personal values in some states so their reps can get away with it. Fortunately Snowe and Collins hold those values because they were elected by people who judge them on that.

In addition, the Senators and reps from my state would not be "allowed" to even think about speaking to others the way Barbara Boxer does in CA and DC. They would be out on their arses because it is contrary to local values. Again, they would not even think of doing that so there is no problem..

Show up, be counted, and do your job for the country. If you were planning on going to the lodge that night for a planned banquet then that is just tough tuna. Last week we jailed a woman-soldier who was set to go to Iraq but they moved her deployment up two weeks and she had no arrangements in place for her children and she did not show up but there is no evidence that she deserted. She just couldnt make it work and got caught short and showed up on the base bewildered to present herself to authorities and they jailed her. I would do everything I could do get this woman back on track and cut her some slack. The Senator who did not show up to vote: I would slap his frigging face and kick him out.

Getting tired of all this Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, Sarah Palin flop-around values.

In the 90's we had a congressman from my state who ducked out of the clinton impeachment vote because he had "committments." Don't do that or you will end out where he is now. I supported Palin but now that I know that she is not a stand-up guy she does not exist. Both the dems and the repubs need to smarten up and go to the front lines on all issue and at all times just like the troops overseas and people at home looking for a job. We are at war and in economic crisis and the sight of a slacker makes me want to puke. That includes Palin and that twit from Ohio. Things are rough all around in this economy and I dont want to hear his lame-ass whining about how he had to work on a Saturday when the other boys could have taken care of it.

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When I was watching there were 60 for and 39 against? How do we not total 100?
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Thirty-nine of the 40 Senate Republicans opposed the motion. Sen. George Voinovich, R-Ohio, didn't vote.

Watch this snake in the grass... I am from Ohio, and can say he can not be trusted. I'l love to know why he didn't vote.

Probably waiting for Les Wexner to tell him how to vote. Just my opinion.