yes mama-o I was provided this information from you and I used it to appear smarter than I am. not much different than the folks in DC.
I will go back to being normal dumb crazy guy. cht...
Be careful when you quote me, though. Sometimes I'm right, and sometimes..... I hate to admit it..... I'm wrong. And you, Mr. TaterPeeler, only ACT dumb. You're quick, clear-thinking, and can reduce the issues to the core relevant points very quickly!
I did tell you on the phone that I thought insurers that did not play in the exchange would be barred from re-entering the exchange for 3 years. But I cannot find that in the law. It's possible that was part of the Pelosi vs Repubs many variations of the bill before it became law... I'll look for documentation on that, and also on YAgents question. Let's see if I can restore my reputation for valuable content!