So what's the deal with the new Transamerica product?

I just ran prices at age 60,65 and 70. The prices about 50 cents to a $1 more non smoker . No big deal. But wow smoker went up 10-12%. They used to be very competitive on woman smokers. They seem to take most of the same heart conditions at preferred with 2 yrs or more. They still take depression at preferred but schizophrenia and bipolar is standard now. They've explained wheelchair or walker meaning even if you use occasionally at the grocery store or dept store its graded. The seizures or 6 or more instead of 12 or more in a yr. Copd is still standard. Still takes direct express. Ht/wt is kind of tight but still doable for most . Tobacco users are out the door now. Wonder if they'll run a mrv? Will they ask for drivers lic #? I just talked to the sales dept. He said the paper app would be even longer as there's more questions. He said the reason why is the paper app will be downloaded to digital with automated underwriting.He acted like dual purpose med stuff would have to be looked at by an underwriter and wouldn't get and instant decision.The alternatives non copd are American Amicable for Asthma ,heavy mental, insulin with no neuropathy and smokers. Neuropathy, Heavy heart meds, depression and insulin to Trinity. Rna for fatties, insulin, neuropathy and heart . Obviously Trans has been hit with slack underwriting. Kskj can't be far behind
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Wow i missed the chronic pain . I reread it a few times. So if you fill pain meds more than 6 times in a yr which as you said is many of our clients. Many are on 2-4 pain meds so they fill each one 5 times a yr so that could be 20 fills. If thats the case and their on disability or unemployed its graded which sums up most fe people . If there diagnosed and treated within a yr its graded. Employed with no disability or treatment in less than a yr its preferred. I'm confused on the decisions as the last 2 contradict each other.
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The biggest concern I see is the underwriting on "chronic pain" issues.

Six or more fills of narcotics in 6 months is going to be flagged.

That's like a third of my clients, man =).
I had a lady today that was standard for COPD but was also on oxycodone so she wouldn't have qualified for Transamerica next month how screwed up is that?
I have not seen the new material probably because FL is so slow to approve. Do they now ask if working or disabled. Most of my leads are on disability.