Social Bookmarking

My wife's an attorney for the Federal Government. She gives advice on the legalities of actions, but she also advises her clients to consider the "Washington Post Test". Even if something is legal, how would it look if it showed up as a headline on the Washington Post?

I think we can apply a similar test here. Would a certain SEO activity pass the "Google Engineer Test"? Would they see it as a natural activity, or would they look at it as a "trick" intended on fooling their search algorithm?

So would this service pass the "Google Engineer Test"? Encouraging your site visitors to add your content to social bookmarking is one thing, buying software to automate it or paying an army to do this for you is another.
It looks like a giant reciprocal link farm, except the links are swapped via social bookmarks instead of directly from the sites. So yes, it's a way of "cheating". My guess is that the search engines will catch on pretty quickly once the patterns get established will either discount the links or ban the sites involved entirely.
That's a good question. I've done a little work in social bookmarking. It definitely works to some extend if you use it in conjunction with a well rounded approach including key word optimization, blogging solid content, building solid meta tags, media and one way content rich back links. I think that Google's algorithm balances all of these things out who to feature for preferred ranking.

As to actually building your client base, social networking can be effective if you do it right - especially if target your demographic well. For example: aim for professionals and become a regular forum participant at However places like Twitter can be a complete waste of time. From what I've seen, there are more people on Twitter selling stuff than there are actual potential customers.

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InsuranceMktgman, If you're referring to me, it was a simple question. Don't be a dick:1err:
Daniel, I apologize. I've amended the content of my original message.



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