Social Security Statement Confusions...

See one of my posts above. 2 annual experiences with this.
ok, so if I understand your post correctly, it did in fact autocorrect after the initial payment amount being wrong?

One of your posts mentions a form.
A form had to be filled out to get it corrected?
ok, so if I understand your post correctly, it did in fact autocorrect after the initial payment amount being wrong?

One of your posts mentions a form.
A form had to be filled out to get it corrected?
No, in my posts "form" = the SSA form currently titled "Notice of Cost-Of-Living Adjustment". The copies of that report for previous years in my files have had different names, but they are all the same form, showing next year's planned monthly SS payment and the related deductions.

I have had two years where that form, when received, showed the past year's PDP premium rather than the next year's new PDP plan premium. I don't know all the specific behind the scenes actions that went on, but when carrier communications and SSA processing caught up with each other, in the next few weeks SSA sent me a letter saying my net check amount would be revised for a new PDP premium amount. In both cases the letter showed the premium for the correct new year's plan.

The first time I got the SSA check form showing the old PDP plan premium I would have been concerned about what was happening had I not had communication in a thread here with an experienced agent who just gave me the "ho-hum, this is what's going to happen if you put off enrolling in your PDP too long" response. And sure enough, that's exactly what has happened for me in two different years.

With the whole variety of problems going on this year, correction and a change letter may take a bit longer than in previous years, but I can't imagine the end result being any different.

There is an appeal procedure paragraph in the COLA letter if one is really concerned.

Also, those with computer skill and a MyMedicare account can check that. I do PDP rather than MAPD, but my MyMedicare account does show the correct $0 premium carrier in effect for my 2025 calendar year.

I understand I am not the guy with the reputation and license on the line here, but in this particular case, as long as your client has gotten their welcome packet and new card, I think the SS records will auto correct.

If a client has not gotten a card for the new year yet, then I think someone probably ought to be doing a call to the carrier.

That's the way I would think about this if I were an agent.
No, in my posts "form" = the SSA form currently titled "Notice of Cost-Of-Living Adjustment". The copies of that report for previous years in my files have had different names, but they are all the same form, showing next year's planned monthly SS payment and the related deductions.

I have had two years where that form, when received, showed the past year's PDP premium rather than the next year's new PDP plan premium. I don't know all the specific behind the scenes actions that went on, but when carrier communications and SSA processing caught up with each other, in the next few weeks SSA sent me a letter saying my net check amount would be revised for a new PDP premium amount. In both cases the letter showed the premium for the correct new year's plan.

The first time I got the SSA check form showing the old PDP plan premium I would have been concerned about what was happening had I not had communication in a thread here with an experienced agent who just gave me the "ho-hum, this is what's going to happen if you put off enrolling in your PDP too long" response. And sure enough, that's exactly what has happened for me in two different years.

With the whole variety of problems going on this year, correction and a change letter may take a bit longer than in previous years, but I can't imagine the end result being any different.

There is an appeal procedure paragraph in the COLA letter if one is really concerned.

Also, those with computer skill and a MyMedicare account can check that. I do PDP rather than MAPD, but my MyMedicare account does show the correct $0 premium carrier in effect for my 2025 calendar year.

I understand I am not the guy with the reputation and license on the line here, but in this particular case, as long as your client has gotten their welcome packet and new card, I think the SS records will auto correct.

If a client has not gotten a card for the new year yet, then I think someone probably ought to be doing a call to the carrier.

That's the way I would think about this if I were an agent.
thank you for sharing.

My client got her new card for the new plan (and I confirmed her enrollment with WellCare), but the old plan's premium (Silver Script) is being deducted. I am not aware of this ever happening before, but with similar issues (usually a part B premium being deducted when it shouldn't have been due to a client being on a Part B giveback plan) it has always auto-corrected in 1 or 2 payment cycles.
Pretty sure it's the COLA we get every year. I got mine the other day and it's accurate.

SS get's their info from Medicare. @annon123 nailed it. SS will send out amended forms if the information is incorrect.
Yea, you're right as I did receive mine. My 1099 had what I had paid out for Part B or rather it said health insurance.