Some People Have More Nerve Than an Elephant on Ice Skates

Had a lady call me today to get medicare part d. She told me that she's ageing in but already has her supplement. She went directly to the carrier, as did her husband after speaking with me, and getting all of the info. several months ago (He's had his Rx card with me for 2 years, but already had a supplement at the time we hooked up for part d).

Then she wanted to continue the discussion of her Rx card. I was polite, but could hardly wait to get off of the phone. As cynical as I have become, I couldn't believe that this lady actually thought that I would want her business after she told me what they'd done with the info. that I'd given them.

What's even more puzzling is that she called to talk to me like we were "old friends". If they were so impressed with the advice and consideration that I gave them then why screw me on the big product and come back for the little one? Dementia? Spite? Anyway, they're going off of my holiday card list. That'll show em.
I had a referal from the financial broker down the hall do this to me. Basically bought what I sat there and showed them from an agent out of state because his brother has his supplement with him, but he still wanted me to help with the part D. He had his list of drugs and everything. I told him I do not have part D "only" clients... that he might want to call the agent that helped him with the other products I told him about.

He said the other agent said he didn't handle part D.

"What do I do then"?

me... I don't know. Nice meeting you. click!
Don't you hate that!! I've had leads pick my brain, ask me a ton of questions, take up my time and then go directly through the company instead of having me as their agent. It doesn't happen very often but when it does it's quite frusterating. I usually find out that they went direct through the company because they'll call me 6 months later and tell me they are having a problem or something, at that point, i tell them, I'm not your agent, you'll have to call the company directly.
Don't you hate that!! I've had leads pick my brain, ask me a ton of questions, take up my time and then go directly through the company instead of having me as their agent. It doesn't happen very often but when it does it's quite frusterating. I usually find out that they went direct through the company because they'll call me 6 months later and tell me they are having a problem or something, at that point, i tell them, I'm not your agent, you'll have to call the company directly.

Yes, this doesn't happen to me very often either, but it is usually in the Senior Market. The last time was about a year ago when I followed up with a client on an fe plan, to find out that she'd called the carrier directly to place an application.

One other nugget. I had a lady call me recently to cancel her life insurance. Fortunately, I had a record of our conversation and told her she didn't get it thru me, although we had spoken I made a decision not to pursue it, she didn't seem to be in her right mind.

She claimed that she called to cancel and they told her she'd have to run it by me first. I had to laugh. The carrier gave her my name as an agent in the area, just to delay her cancelling.
I doubt it was intentional on her part. I would not expect a consumer to take into consideration or understand my compensation on a med supp as compared to a Rx plan.

Nevertheless, I would have been annoyed, too.
Had a lady call me today to get Medicare Part D. She told me that she's aging in but already has her supplement.

This is where my telephone call with this woman would end.
"Call the agent that sold you the Part D card. I don't assist with Medicare Part D cards to non Medicare supplement clients".
This is where my telephone call with this woman would end.
"Call the agent that sold you the Part D card. I don't assist with Medicare Part D cards to non Medicare supplement clients".

Any complaints I've gotten since taking up Medicare products have all been from Part D. I would absolutely not be the patsy that got stuck with someone's Part D business once they've already made up their mind to go elsewhere for everything else. I'm sure there's merit to getting them first as a client and then later convert them to something -but I believe you're asking for trouble from being their "go to" person for all things DRUGS.
This is where my telephone call with this woman would end.
"Call the agent that sold you the Part D card. I don't assist with Medicare Part D cards to non Medicare supplement clients".

Please pardon my ignorance, but can't agents obtain an Agent of Record in this scenario and then write the Part D plan too?

Not sure if the senior market operates the same was as IFP.