is the 15th, Anyone Seen PCIP Rates?

The rates are just like the bill. Remember Princess Pelosi telling us they had to pass the bill so we (and they) would know what was in it?

Same for this.

You have to apply for coverage so you will know what your rates & benefits are.

This thing has been open for two weeks. Wonder how many apps have flooded in?
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The rates are just like the bill. Remember Princess Pelosi telling us they had to pass the bill so we (and they) would know what was in it?

I definatly remember this comment...I've always wondered what the Dems like about having her as Speaker of the House whenever I she and hear her on TV I am totaly underwhelmed.
wondered what the Dems like about having her

Probably have the same feeling the Cowardly Lion & Scarecrow had for the witch.

$323 - $688 for GA residents. Benefits are so-so. I know a lot of folks that should dump their mini-med and jump on this.
$323 - $688 for GA residents. Benefits are so-so. I know a lot of folks that should dump their mini-med and jump on this.

But wouldn't they have to be uninsured for 6 months after dropping? That is what I'm confused about, I know someone who has a hospital surgical from Mega that doesn't pay anything, he is uninsurable now, I told him I think if he dropped it he would have to uninsured for 6 months before going into the risk pool. Do you know the answer?

The PCIP app indicates you must be uninsured but it fails to qualify what is considered insurance. It also says you have to provide proof you have been denied coverage in the last 6 months or have been offered a plan that riders a pre-existing condition.

How will PCIP know if you have been insured or not? What is their criteria for insurance? Does it include mini-meds or Mega (which is practically the same as a mini-med)? How can you produce a rider from the last 6 months unless they have issued a policy? If they issued a policy with a rider, then technically you don't meet the strict definition of being uninsured.

Did you really think the govt knew what they were doing when they designed this crap?