Splain Me This:


1000 Post Club
63f, 57m, 35,300/year income

Last year's Gold plan subsidized down to $101. They get the 2015 renewal, $288/mo.

They come in for their review, enter the same information and you can't get close to a Silver copay plan in that $288 range from the same company and that Gold plan is north of $450/mo.
63f, 57m, 35,300/year income

Last year's Gold plan subsidized down to $101. They get the 2015 renewal, $288/mo.

They come in for their review, enter the same information and you can't get close to a Silver copay plan in that $288 range from the same company and that Gold plan is north of $450/mo.

Search the forum on Second Lowest Cost Silver Plan and/ SCLSP

If there was a massive shift from last year, it changes the subsidy
63f, 57m, 35,300/year income

Last year's Gold plan subsidized down to $101. They get the 2015 renewal, $288/mo.

They come in for their review, enter the same information and you can't get close to a Silver copay plan in that $288 range from the same company and that Gold plan is north of $450/mo.

It all depends on the premium for the 2nd lowest silver plan filed in the county, if that premium is much lower for 2015 then this could happen otherwise there is a data entry error.
SLCSP went lower in your county. Combined with higher premiums for the other plans, causes higher premiums like this. It's happening in many counties.

The brains in Washington, state that it's "great" that the second silver and cherry picked plans are going lower, but they have no understanding that this drives prices higher for subsidized clients that don't want to buy the crappy skinny SLCSP plan.
Understand, even the lowest silver is barely under what they are being quoted for the Gold.

So in reality, that renewal letter is false. That's what I told them. They want to keep the plan they have at the price offered. I told them if they wanted to sit tight until January or even early February they could and we could see what happens then.
Understand, even the lowest silver is barely under what they are being quoted for the Gold.

So in reality, that renewal letter is false. That's what I told them. They want to keep the plan they have at the price offered. I told them if they wanted to sit tight until January or even early February they could and we could see what happens then.

You are the one making the mistake, what you are saying makes no sense whatsoever.

Unless their income is higher than when they last filed an application.

There are Silver plans in that zip code with lower premiums than last year, that is the only way this could happen. Three of us have explained that, you really need to look at all of the plans available in the zip through whichever Marketplace this is to see what is going on, not just one company.

Here are the rates for Missouri, St Louis County, for the ages and income above, for 2014: https://www.healthcare.gov/find-pre...loyerCoverage=no&householdSize=2&income=35300

The lowest rate for a Gold plan is $202.

Here is the same search for 2015:https://www.healthcare.gov/see-plan...nt=&smoker=&smoker=&state=MO&step=4&zip=63038

Lowest rate for Gold plan is $316

This means that the cost of Gold plans in Missouri (if that is the state) have gone up much more in the past year than Silver plans across the board.
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Mr Gordon, you are correct... how I see it and there are those on here that have gotten a little upset with me over this comment... HMO plans increased at a lower % than PPO plans... the market is spinning quickly toward the HMO concept... ObamaCare was built around the HMO concept.

Here in Texas the HMO's increased at a smaller % than PPO's that got hammered at about 30%. I am finding that clients are being forced into an HMO... case in pint below.

His new premium after subsidy will be $521, last year it was 376..thats a 40% increase for an aged family of 2 at close to 30K income(self employed with write offs) However the HMO, same exact plan is $98 bucks... any idea what he will tell me? I do, he wil pocket the 400 bucks and pay cash to his doctor
I understand and the way the system works. There is a new player on the street, Humana, but their plans are restricted to two counties and one hospital.

I don't understand and the reason for this thread is the quote from the carrier on their current plan that can't be duplicated even reducing age a year and using the exact same wages.

Here's he data.

zip 64701 cass county, 63f, 57male
$35,300 income

Renewal quote is for the Coventry Gold at $288

Take a look, $414 is what shows up on H.gov