Start Up Agency?...Need Opinions Please.

Advertising done by Allstate, State Farm, Progressive ect...does not havethe same intention as advertising an agency.

The Carriers are building brand awareness.

The goal is not to build awareness about a specific agency.

I am in a different situation than most everyone (if not everyone) on thisboard and thus advertising is something I do spend a good bit on.

But for the local agent I agree that your best "advertising" is tobuild your own "brand".

Remember you can advertise effectively with little to no money.

Don't brand your agency but rather YOU. Which is why you join the Chamber,get involved with charities, and join civic groups.

All of these things are "advertising" and for the most part cost"time".

One of the most effective advertising you can do and it won't cost any moneyis Social Media. Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.

[FONT=Calibri","sans-serif]Don't underestimate the power of connecting withpeople through these outlets. Don't even make an agency account...use your ownFacebook page. YOU are what to promote. As someone said people don't give arats tail about the agency is YOU[/FONT]
I think you just need to take your sign down...maybe you just have a magnet on you and you need to go out and look for business instead of it coming in to you.

i cold call and cold canvas plus networking, but the walk ins are almost 95% weird request. I have someone at the office when i'm out and set up appointments for me when im here.

Maybe its her setting up these weirdos lol