Starting 2011 Health Reform Bill


Starting 2011 .....80% of Premiums Money must be spent on Medical Services for Individual and Small Groups and 85% for Large Groups. This leaves NO Money or very little to pay Commissions. This IS NOT an APRIL FOOLS JOKE! What to do??? ALL Comments and Feed back appreciated.
I'd suggest leaving the health insurance business immediately. Why wait and get caught up in the rush. Oh...I won't leave but let me know how your new job is going.
The reality is agents who were struggling at 20 to 30% commission might have to find a new line of work. If you can streamline your efficiencies and cross sell a ton of ancillary you can still survive.

I think John will agree the key moving forward is being efficient and maximizing each deal.
Ohhh man, cross selling life, CI, dental, accident, wowie zowie. Thats fun man. Just having some fun here TX...Selling ancilliary is overrated and more difficult than people say it is. That is reality. Make a living selling CI and dinky term life policies with a side of accident and dental? Easier said than done.
I actually have to agree. Health is the foot in the door. Cross-selling Life, P&C, Ltci, and now adding a tax practice for next year, should be fine. Im not in it for the health alone...
If you can ask for referrals and you have good customer service you will be fine.
Has anyone ever wondered why CI is so big in Europe and not here in the states...Maybe because its do to rationing so if I had CI and my Dr says we need to run this test and the earliest it can be scheduled is for 4 months down the road, the person runs or flys to the US has the test done and maybe uses the CI money for treatment....All I know is Canadians coming into Maine to get faster treatment might be in for a shock once Obamacare is fully implemented.