State & Federal Exchanges

"There is going to be a huge transfer of coverage to the individual market."

"Approaching small businesses about converting their groups to HRA's with employees using their subsidies and employer contribution (small groups will go away in 2014, that is a given, and create a very large opportunity for agents to convert them to individual plans within the exchange)."

We think that defined contribution health plans will become the ideal solution for most (if not all) U.S. employers in 2014.

1. Individual policies will become guaranteed issue, and eliminate the non-economic (i.e. moral) factors from an employer's decision-making process.

2. Most employees will pay less for health insurance on the individual market due to federal subsidies.

3. For most employers, the total cost of paying the employer penalty (assuming the employer has more than 50 FTEs), and providing defined contributions to keep employees whole, will be less than the total cost of providing "affordable" group health insurance.
"There is going to be a huge transfer of coverage to the individual market."

"Approaching small businesses about converting their groups to HRA's with employees using their subsidies and employer contribution (small groups will go away in 2014, that is a given, and create a very large opportunity for agents to convert them to individual plans within the exchange)."

We think that defined contribution health plans will become the ideal solution for most (if not all) U.S. employers in 2014.

1. Individual policies will become guaranteed issue, and eliminate the non-economic (i.e. moral) factors from an employer's decision-making process.

2. Most employees will pay less for health insurance on the individual market due to federal subsidies.

3. For most employers, the total cost of paying the employer penalty (assuming the employer has more than 50 FTEs), and providing defined contributions to keep employees whole, will be less than the total cost of providing "affordable" group health insurance.

licking my chops over here :biggrin:
"3. For most employers, the total cost of paying the employer penalty (assuming the employer has more than 50 FTEs), and providing defined contributions to keep employees whole, will be less than the total cost of providing "affordable" group health insurance. "

I'd be very interested in hearing more about this data, especially for groups 50+. When the feds realize folks are doing this, what's to stop them from increasing the penalty punitively?
what's to stop them from increasing the penalty punitively?


But then the employer responds by making almost everyone part time.

Feds can't win.

Just like the luxury tax in the 90's, it never generated the revenue expected and caused several boat builders to go out of business.

Similar action with ERISA. You will be hard pressed to find a non-union employer in the private sector offering a defined benefit pension plan.

But then the employer responds by making almost everyone part time.

Feds can't win.

Just like the luxury tax in the 90's, it never generated the revenue expected and caused several boat builders to go out of business.

Similar action with ERISA. You will be hard pressed to find a non-union employer in the private sector offering a defined benefit pension plan.

Good points.

Perhaps then that's their gateway to single payer. "Employers can't be trusted to provide for the health of their employees anymore. We feel responsibility to ..." or whatever other spin they want to put on it.
The govt can't afford to fund the exchanges, subsidies, Medicaid expansion and they certainly cannot afford to provide "Medicare for all".

The last 3 years have been a colossal waste of time and resources.
Outgoing NC governor elected to take the partnership with the Feds on the state exchange. Not sure what that does for us agents. There will be lots of confusion with this; if we are fairly compensated to help is yet to be determined.

I am getting more people calling. They want to get a plan to either avoid a tax, get a plan they can keep after the exchanges are up and running, want an Obama plan, etc. It's sad how little people know how this will effect them. I had to tell one guy this week he was about 2.5 years too late to get grandfather status.

Others I explain the details of ACA (as best I know) to cannot believe what they may have to take or have to a round about way I tell them they are about to understand what not paying attention to politics is about to cost them.
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You are right Rusty.

They believe the lie.

Free health insurance. Companies cannot discriminate against you. Your premiums will drop. If you like the plan you have you can keep it.