States Can Request MLR Modification

The Pa commissioner Ario who recently went to work for OBAMA squashed the merger between Pa's two largest Blue carriers. He offered them the opportunity to merge only if they would give up either the Blue Cross or Blue Shield designation. This would have allowed another company to purchase either the Blue Cross or Blue Shield desgination and come into the Pa marketplace. neither company would go for that.
In IL, we're likely screwed. Evidently Quinn (our Gov) is looking to enact single-payer statewide this coming term. And our commissioner is appointed, so we should be on the leading edge of socialism, or just right behind CA. Awesome.

Amazing that it's the states who are the most financially bankrupt that are considering measures that will only make the situation worse.
In IL, we're likely screwed. Evidently Quinn (our Gov) is looking to enact single-payer statewide this coming term. And our commissioner is appointed, so we should be on the leading edge of socialism, or just right behind CA. Awesome.

Amazing that it's the states who are the most financially bankrupt that are considering measures that will only make the situation worse.

sorry to hear that. Rendell (D) is the Governor of Penna so I'm sure he appointed a democrat.

Best wishes
I used to be from Illinois and glad I left but still do not want to see it destroyed any further by the dumbs er..dems. Property taxes there are sky high, quinn is upping income tax to 4% - and now single-payer???
Sheesh what are they thinking?
Our move to Indiana has been better for us. But until the insurance industry gets better for us - it's not that "much more better." (hmm does that makes sense?)

In IL, we're likely screwed. Evidently Quinn (our Gov) is looking to enact single-payer statewide this coming term. And our commissioner is appointed, so we should be on the leading edge of socialism, or just right behind CA. Awesome.

Amazing that it's the states who are the most financially bankrupt that are considering measures that will only make the situation worse.