Strip Mall Prospecting

If you have to resort to stuff like this, it's time to go down and see if they're hirin' at the Wal*Mart...
That was my previous alternative job. At least stocking toilet paper doesn't take brains. YMMV ;)

I never actually followed the mail in. But you could. It's good to be back at an actuarial job. :biggrin:
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What I do is drop off some info on myself and then get the card of the controller/decision makers.
I then call them back and start a conversation about benefits. I always ask are you satisfied with your current group health? If you get anywhere with them then try to set up a meeting to dig into the nuts and bolts of their benefits.
Then quote.

My approach I close maybe 2%.

I will say on groups under 5 lives I have picked up AOR's on the spot.:biggrin:

I've been away on family matters, and I've not had time until now to read your comments. Many thanks!

Greedy man that I am, please keep them comming.

One thing, ADR=?

Thanks again for your help.

I hit the strip malls, and business parks again this week.
The one thing I would recommend is that whatever you're going to say as an intro, memorize it, do not wing it, it's unprofessional and a disservice to you and the potential customer if you wing it.

You'll have more confidence if you know what you're going to say and do, every time.

Consistent actions bring consistent results!

Do well!!
Here's and idea,
hello, I'm a finacial/insurance specialist. what type of ____ program you people have now?

then it's a few turns.
1. we already have....
a. i know you already have thats why i came to see you because in these times i am helping people reduce the cost and increase the benifits.

2.we don't have any....
a. i know you dont have any thats why i came to see you because in these times i am helping people but benefits they could not afford before.

its simple stuff, dont try to make it complicated...
follow the rules or numbers of averages.... :idea:
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I use to work with an agent that would stable either his business card or a flyer to a bar of chips or cookies. He'd drop them off once a week at all the different offices for their break room. People love to eat and read his card/flyer all day while tearing through the snack. When they needed insurance, he was the first person they thought of.
People will turn and, they will SPRINT away!

Not very imaginative.

And your alternative would be.....?

I think people don't want a song and dance, when I'm intrupting them on a work day, more than 30% of the people I contacted today in Costa Mesa were the decision makers; they want to know what I want, why I want to talk to them, and, more importantly, what's in it for them.

If the above is "not very imaginative" then what would you say in as brief amount of time possible?

I'd really be interested in reading your opinion, constructive contribution to this thread.
My 2 cents....
When they say "no we are all set" I say thank you then turn and take 3 steps towards the door, stop look back at them over my shoulder and ask "Do you folks have the old insurance or the new insurance???" They always ask what do you mean?? The conversation then goes into how newer plans now have higher lifetime maximums and higher limitations. This leads to a free review of their current plan etc.

Constructive criticisms appreciated...
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I took, for me at least, a rather large leap of faith this afternoon.

I went to pick some things up at a book store in the city of Orange this afternoon and visited about a dozen or so stores, Doctors offices, hair salon, etc., and left my card with assorted managers.

I'd welcome some guidence on what one should say while doing this visits; it's been over 25 years since I've done this sort of thing and I'm a tad out of practice.

What are some of the things one could say while visiting?

I'd like to look at their group life/health/dental, and disability at some point.

I've got several cards, and a request for a follow up visit by a clinics office manager.

Any suggestions gratefuly accepted!
In the old days we call this the "walk & talk", still do this.

The purpose of doing the walk & talk is to get business cards and schedule appointments.

The take away is a good approach:

"Frank, not sure we would be right for you, our plans primarly work for people who could use up to 20% less in premium expense or may want to adjust their out of pocket dollars to have more control over their health expenses, does either of these sound like you?"...

when they say yes (I go for the 80/20 rule, use approaches, phone script and presentations the way 80% of prospects "buy", realizing I'll lose the 20% who may not buy this way. (Law of large numbers) And people like two things, they like to hear their names and they like to have their opinion ask.)

When the response back is yes (up to 80%) this sounds like them then take it away again, "I'm not in a position to do anything right now, let me get a little information and if I can increase your benefits or lower your cost I'll call to schedule an appointment. If I can't you won't be offended if I call and tell you we aren't the right plan for you will you?"

Then just ask some basic qualification questions and leave.

The key here is in the agent's behavior, act as if your intention is to leave, make these statements as almost an afterthought, have a pocket notepad and write the answers down to your basic health questions as if your not prepared to do anything right then.

Agents who struggle with the health question part are the one's who ask questions to rule people "out" as potential customers (do you make any money when we rule people out?), my suggestions is ask these questions for the purpose of ruling people "in" as potential customers.

Even if they don't qualify for a specific health plan, they or someone they know may qualify a health plan or for life, or their situation may change so put them in a CRM and call back in 9 months (rate increase time).

I take the position that if I use the same approach, same phone script and same presentation as all the other agents who approach or call prospects then to the prospect I am the same.

Anyway just an idea that works for me. Hope this helps! Keep falling forward.
In the old days we call this the "walk & talk", still do this.

The purpose of doing the walk & talk is to get business cards and schedule appointments.

The take away is a good approach:

"Frank, not sure we would be right for you, our plans primarly work for people who could use up to 20% less in premium expense or may want to adjust their out of pocket dollars to have more control over their health expenses, does either of these sound like you?"...

when they say yes (I go for the 80/20 rule, use approaches, phone script and presentations the way 80% of prospects "buy", realizing I'll lose the 20% who may not buy this way. (Law of large numbers) And people like two things, they like to hear their names and they like to have their opinion ask.)

When the response back is yes (up to 80%) this sounds like them then take it away again, "I'm not in a position to do anything right now, let me get a little information and if I can increase your benefits or lower your cost I'll call to schedule an appointment. If I can't you won't be offended if I call and tell you we aren't the right plan for you will you?"

Then just ask some basic qualification questions and leave.

The key here is in the agent's behavior, act as if your intention is to leave, make these statements as almost an afterthought, have a pocket notepad and write the answers down to your basic health questions as if your not prepared to do anything right then.

Agents who struggle with the health question part are the one's who ask questions to rule people "out" as potential customers (do you make any money when we rule people out?), my suggestions is ask these questions for the purpose of ruling people "in" as potential customers.

Even if they don't qualify for a specific health plan, they or someone they know may qualify a health plan or for life, or their situation may change so put them in a CRM and call back in 9 months (rate increase time).

I take the position that if I use the same approach, same phone script and same presentation as all the other agents who approach or call prospects then to the prospect I am the same.

Anyway just an idea that works for me. Hope this helps! Keep falling forward.

Great Post! Thanks!