Strong winds in California heighten fire risk in drought-stricken Los Angeles.

Where does the fire hydrant go in this "forest"

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I understand, land owners should be levied to pay for ponding. As I am sure you are aware, getting water to keep it full will be an issue in California.

Reservoirs v little fish. Our farmers can't get / buy enough water to grow food.

And my bad for thinking you were smart, I promise it wont happen again.

Nope, dropped out of high school to go to work full time in my sophomore year. Uber poor.

We don't have these trees in So Cal... where was this taken?
Stock photos. I am sure I can find some on my cousin's social media, California Fire Captain or my buddy's Forrest Service fire fighter. They are both out there at this very moment.

Look man, I can only imagine the stress you are under. I am going to bow out of this pissing match over if you need water to put out a fire. I truly hope you come out of this whole.
experts have recommended a 50ft barrier from any "mass" of trees.
Judging by the footage, every house shown was within 50' from a substantial number of trees. And with those winds even 500' is too close. To truly prevent forests from burning, forests need to be thinned out by 90+%, essentially turning forests into groves, although it appears many groves have also been consumed by these large fires.
Just wait until the next time there is a hurricane that hits Florida or Texas then post a bunch about how they should build stronger houses and not live in areas likely to flood.
Or live in coastal cities in areas below sea level, or build in flood plains. Having to build a house on stilts should be their first clue.