Success, the Lazy Way!

Thanks for the Post. Any advice? I started two months ago with MOO, had a family crisis in the middle of that, but overall, it's been fairly successful (at least what I deemed successful when I first started - 4400 fyc in really 6 weeks of work). Problem is I'm most cold calling, which doesn't bother me, but bothers my superiors immensely. They are ready to pull the plug on me b/c I'm not using their system.

I've also recently been wondering why in the world I'm splitting commissions and making them rich when it seems (and maybe ignorantly) that I could keep all the money to myself if i went on my own. So my question is this, should I go independent? If so where should I go for help on this process of getting appointments, etc.

Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the Post. Any advice? I started two months ago with MOO, had a family crisis in the middle of that, but overall, it's been fairly successful (at least what I deemed successful when I first started - 4400 fyc in really 6 weeks of work). Problem is I'm most cold calling, which doesn't bother me, but bothers my superiors immensely. They are ready to pull the plug on me b/c I'm not using their system.

I've also recently been wondering why in the world I'm splitting commissions and making them rich when it seems (and maybe ignorantly) that I could keep all the money to myself if i went on my own. So my question is this, should I go independent? If so where should I go for help on this process of getting appointments, etc.

Thanks in advance.

I had a new agent call me last week that had just got done working for MOO. He said they stole all his renewals and they sent him a bill for about 900 bucks. They claimed that he had been using MOO phone sytem in the office which was tapped into the Griffin System and that he had run up that 900 dollar bill. He said he paid them that 900 oddly enough. He told me before that he had worked for Bankers life and had sold a few policies including some a couple long term care plans. He says after he left they went out and re wrote all his long term care plans and sent him a bill for 3000 for a reclamation on the advances he had recieved on thos LTC plans. You will be lucky if you get out of that MOO office with the shirt on your back if I dont miss my guess. You need to quit yesterday and go independent before the vultures pick your bones any further.:1arghh:
I'm not selling anything, some people seem to think my entire intent is to promote, sell, recruit, etc. If someone IS interested in my agency from my posts, not sure what the big deal is, it's no different than anyone else here, ILIAA, IHIAA, Frank, etc, don't care either really, my business is not theirs.

I'm sorry...Roblio-what is it you are selling/offering?

I'd say go independent, why not? Even if you do the same, all good right?

Thanks for the Post. Any advice? I started two months ago with MOO, had a family crisis in the middle of that, but overall, it's been fairly successful (at least what I deemed successful when I first started - 4400 fyc in really 6 weeks of work). Problem is I'm most cold calling, which doesn't bother me, but bothers my superiors immensely. They are ready to pull the plug on me b/c I'm not using their system.

I've also recently been wondering why in the world I'm splitting commissions and making them rich when it seems (and maybe ignorantly) that I could keep all the money to myself if i went on my own. So my question is this, should I go independent? If so where should I go for help on this process of getting appointments, etc.

Thanks in advance.
I'm not selling anything, some people seem to think my entire intent is to promote, sell, recruit, etc. If someone IS interested in my agency from my posts, not sure what the big deal is, it's no different than anyone else here, ILIAA, IHIAA, Frank, etc, don't care either really, my business is not theirs.

If it will make you feel any better know that nobody with an IQ above 70 gives an ounce of credibility to anything those guys say either!.......Read my lips "no successful agent making the big bucks has to stoop to going on the internet and searching out free insurance web sites such as this one to troll for business"......As many before me have mentioned, its funny to google those guys names and see how many other web sites like this those guys are trolling as well! Im not as rich as these dime store millionaires trolling this forum but I have enough money and enough decency that I would not think of insulting the owner of this forum by trying to use it to make money. :1arghh:
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Thanks Rob, for the advice. Being a fairly new guy to the industry (even though my family has done it for 50 years), where do I begin with going independent?

first, weed through the forum and find the good info (info that makes sense), take out sales books from the library (or buy them) look into IHIAA, ILIAA for a support system if you plan on going direct to carriers for appointments. If you plan on going through a GA (which is still basically independent), you might not need any of the above, but there are several to choose from, so the questions to ask are:
  • What do they offer that you can't get on your own?
  • What do they offer that is different than other GA's?
  • What are the top, middle and rookie sales people accomplishing, as in submitted premium weekly, monthly?
  • Will they put what they say in writing?
  • How are they looking to position themselves for the future of the industry?
  • How successful of a track record do they have?
  • How many agents do they have?
That should be a good start for you, if you have specific questions, fire away, I'm sure others have input also.


Thanks Rob, for the advice. Being a fairly new guy to the industry (even though my family has done it for 50 years), where do I begin with going independent?
