Superior Access - Info by Phone

Is there anyone out there who would mine giving some personal experience with Superior Access's new business model? By phone would be best!

I am just about to get started.......don't want to write a lot of business and get screwed over.
I sigend up for Superior. Seems like a pretty good outfit. Some of the quote processes can be a bit cumbersome unless they have changed something
I don't have personal experience with them, but I'm getting conflicting from the different insurance bulletin boards.

After speaking with them recently my concerns are:
1. You submit your quotes and applications to them, then they submit to the carriers. You don't get to interract with the underwriters personally. (I don't trust comparative raters accuracy)
2. You have to call them with all service requests. You can't do something as simple as adding a vehicle yourself.
3. They wouldn't give me a "test drive" or let me submit a test case to preview their service. They wanted me to sign up for a month and pay $100 and cancel if I didn't like it.

1. No contracts or noncompetes - you own your business and can cancel anytime.
2. Renewals - they said they'd pay you the renewals even if you cancelled. As long as you kept your license and e&o.
3. Large variety of companies
4. No minimums
5. $100/month is a relatively low fee
6. You don't have to do appointment paperwork for every carrier you write with

If I can't find a better deal w/a local independent agency, I may try this for a year. After that, I'll see which carriers are the best for me and get direct appointments and roll all my Superior Access clients to them with a BOR.
Thank you all for the responses!

I have actually ran across AgentSecure and they have a plan similar to Superior Access, but do not have the fee.

Anyone have any experience with AgentSecure?