supplement plan for ma plans -- found a good one

some major medical agents who sell a high deductible will use CI as a wrap around product if they don't have a good accident rider.

I haven't checked the forum for health insurance but i bet someone there has wrote about this.

So you need to develop a mkt in that....

don't spread yourself too thin with all these products. Hell, let's throw in some P&C too, okay?
maryjd123 said:
GTL's plan has a lifetime benefit maximum of $2500.00 - compared to Continental -- there is no max -- its unlimited
[email protected]

Hi Mary,

I called GTL to inquire about this lifetime benefit maximum and was told it's only for the ambulance and not the hospital. Did you hear otherwise from them?
The thing about Continental that I like is that it is a flat $1000. So, if you have a $220 day per inpatient, and you are only in for 1 night, you still get a check for $1,000, giving the client $780. And if they are the same price, why wouldn't you do that?

Are there any riders on the Continental like the GTL, ambulance, skilled nursing, etc?
Hi i was going off of their website with GTL -- it clearly said lifetime cap at 2500 -- but as of last week when i called them about it -- they said it was a typo -- and it should be fixed...

yes continental care does come with benefits -- it comes with a 120 a day for skilled nursing ( after 20 days ) pays ontop of medicare or medadvantage plans -- basically if they have a medsup or a medadvantage plan -- they make $ on the deal... cause its already paid,
and it pays 60 a day for home health care -- it also pays 25 a day for for a private room -- which im not sure how much extra a private room is but hey its something right? oh and above all -- with 24 hours of care in the hospital they get a check for 1000 dollars flat... every 60 days.. regeneration..
for a person thats 30 years old its about 17 dollars a month
for a person thats 69 years old its about 29 dollars a month

i know that it was mentioned that alot of people are having outpatient surgery -- in and out in one day - i think i would request to stay the night :)
i have been in the hospital several times where it was supposed to be same day surgery and ended up staying the night for some reason or another...

hope that helps...
Well Mary, even though I've been gone all day your friends AT MSIS haven't bothered to call Monday either.

I also received contracts from Cont-Life....natch, I would rather get the b etter deal from MSIS.

However, due to lack of interest on their part, I'm rather perplexed.

I will try to email you.

i have the cont contract that i can forward to you via email for MSIS -- send me your email again and i will forward it -- it also has their mailing address on the first page -- you can send it to them -- they will forward it to cont -- 5% and leads are worth the wait...


i would post it here but i dont know how

i got sick again so if anyone is wondering why im not calling back or posting as usual.. hopefully tomorrow will be better
Yo Mary, just read your message. I beleive i still have that email you sent me last week, with cont contract included.

I'll read it again tomorrow....and decide. All sounds good.

Is the Arctic blast hitting your way? We have had a mild winter so far, so I feel guilty knowing what others are going thru up North, Midwest, West.
Mary, how tough is the underwriting on this product?? What do they turn down? and do they call the client also?

I just read the brochure and noticed there is a 3-month pre-existing, and a lot of detail questions.

Those non-commissionable optional benefits aren't so hot anyhow, and if you pack on the medical rider, a 70-yr old would pay around $60/mo here in Ga.
policy doctor said:
Mary, how tough is the underwriting on this product?? What do they turn down? and do they call the client also?

I just read the brochure and noticed there is a 3-month pre-existing, and a lot of detail questions.

Those non-commissionable optional benefits aren't so hot anyhow, and if you pack on the medical rider, a 70-yr old would pay around $60/mo here in Ga.

I know another agent who wrote Continental last year in 06 to subsidize for Part C and few were issued. He does not endorse this company. On the other hand, I know another agent who wrote a lot of business and most were issued. I do know they are much more strict than GTL and yes, they do go back 2 to 3 years with their questions. I guess you have to go by your expertise and how healthy they are and weigh your apples if you're going to write Continental or GTL.

Btw, do you lose your appointment with GTL if you don't write any business with them after 6 months? If so, does that also mean you lose your future earned commissions? Does anybody know?