Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Hobby Lobby in Contraception Case

Yes it is an indirect way of contributing to the company that makes the meds. But so is the ACAs policy of covering plan b. That is just as indirect as the example of their 401k contributing to Duramed. Covering an medication that is used against your religious beliefs is a vague reason.

Whether your employees use the meds is an indirect result of the health care coverage.

So who again is nit picking? Who is misguided? There both equally indirectly supporting a belief. I'm against this over ruling for a much bigger reason.

Now corporations have precedent to change federal laws based on religious convictions.

So what's next? Today a group of business banded to ban hiring gays and lesbians. You know what else is scary? What if Muslim businesses banded together to employe Sharia Law for businesses out of religious freedom? How comfortable would you be working for a business like that?

Religious freedom is individual, it's individual because that is the way the constitution was written. My beliefs in God are my beliefs. What I believe is practiced in my own time.

This whole overturn of the law leaves room for exploration and will result horribly.
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