Talk to Kids.......


New Member
Does anyone have a good response to the objection "I want to talk to my kids first"? I am a new agent and seem to come across this quite a bit!

Thanks, any help is greatly appreciated.
It's usually just a smoke screen objection but it can be a valid objection sometimes.

"I appreciate the fact that you want to think about it because that tells me you are interested since you wouldn't think about something that you're not interested in. What part is it that you need to discuss with your children that I didn't explain well enough?, what is your SSN#?"

"I appreciate the fact that you want to think about it because that tells me you are interested since you wouldn't think about something that you're not interested in. Once we do an application it will take about two weeks before I receive the policy. That will give you plenty of time to let your children know that you set up a program and allow you the chance to get feedback from your children. What is your SSN#?"

I'm sure there will be some real PRO's come on here and give you better ways to handle the objection than I just did.
Does anyone have a good response to the objection "I want to talk to my kids first"? I am a new agent and seem to come across this quite a bit!

Thanks, any help is greatly appreciated.

"Great, are they here or do we need to call them?" If the kids are truly part of the decision then get them involved. If they won't get them involved then it's not the real objection. And that will be the case 95% of the time. They are not sold.

If you get that a lot then something is wrong in initial qualifying or the presentation. There is only one true objection out there and it's money. It will come disguised as many things but the root cause to not buy is money. That is, if they trust you. If you haven't built trust then it's not anything else.

I've had the "kids" objection before and simply lowered the price and all of a sudden they didn't need to talk to kids anymore.

Would they need to talk to the kids if you able to give them a free policy? When I used to do MA plans I never once had someone tell me they needed to talk to kids when we were doing a zero premium MA plan.
I understand you want to talk to your kids, but this is something you purchase FOR your kids...not with your kids permission. Your kids don't want to think about your death and they will tell you they will take care of your burial even if they really don't have the money to do so. We both know you don't want to leave a burden on them, now which one of your kids are you wanting to be the beneficiary? Now what is your date of birth?
During the qualification part of the interview, you should be asking, "Is there anyone else that needs to be present in order for you to make a decision about YOUR finances?" Most of the time, the answer is no and if one of those come up with the "talk it over with my kids" objection you simply refer back to their answer... However, occasionally the answer will be yes.. Then you discontinue the interview until that person can be present. Ohterwise you are just spinning your wheels and wasting your time.
Mr. Jones / Mrs. Jones, I can appreciate that, I have children of my own and I love them as I am surely you love yours. But you are a 65 year old man / women, and from looking around it appears that you have been quite capable of handling your own finances your whole life and will continue to be capable for many years to come. Now if you truly want to speak with your children I will understand but I must impress upon you, this is not something anyone wants to think about, not even me, not you and certainly not your children. So lets get the approval now, Ill send in the application, lets push the first draft off until 1st of next month. This gives you plenty of time to realize you have protected not only your assets but also the well being of your children for the future and if you have any questions or if your children have any questions I am as close as a phone call. I need your signature here.... and here.... (This is done while looking them point blank in the eyes and not shifting away until I point to where they need to sign)
Perfect slam close.....wants check back in a week......

Mr. Jones / Mrs. Jones, I can appreciate that, I have children of my own and I love them as I am surely you love yours. But you are a 65 year old man / women, and from looking around it appears that you have been quite capable of handling your own finances your whole life and will continue to be capable for many years to come. Now if you truly want to speak with your children I will understand but I must impress upon you, this is not something anyone wants to think about, not even me, not you and certainly not your children. So lets get the approval now, Ill send in the application, lets push the first draft off until 1st of next month. This gives you plenty of time to realize you have protected not only your assets but also the well being of your children for the future and if you have any questions or if your children have any questions I am as close as a phone call. I need your signature here.... and here.... (This is done while looking them point blank in the eyes and not shifting away until I point to where they need to sign)
"I understand you want to share this decision with your children. Unfortunately, children often put off talking about it because it makes them UNCOMFORTABLE.

Having worked in the funeral industry for over 20 years, I can honestly tell you, I have never, never, NEVER had a child say, "I wish mom or dad HADN'T done anything ahead of time". Believe me when I tell you, Mr./Mrs. Jones, your children will be glad you DID. Wouldn't you rather make this decision now for them, then tell them the good news afterwards? "
If yes....proceed to next paragraph
If no, you may hear other objections but try to proceed:

"Now, since you will not be charged any premium until the policy is issued, I will take down your information and send it in. When I COME TO DELIVER YOUR POLICY/policies, we can have your children here then, so that I may answer any questions they may have."

Wait for them to respond first, then you will know about the money and anything else they want to object.

I realize that most agents have little or no funeral experience. That same closing will work. I knew a guy who used to pick up the phone book and went to yellow pages, looking for "funeral financing"- "see there, NO LISTING!", :laugh: and although it was a little over the top, it got the point across.
Just ask them point blank, "are you blowing smoke up my ass, or are you serious about getting covered?"
Brilliant. You'll write tons of business.
During the qualification part of the interview, you should be asking, "Is there anyone else that needs to be present in order for you to make a decision about YOUR finances?" Most of the time, the answer is no and if one of those come up with the "talk it over with my kids" objection you simply refer back to their answer... However, occasionally the answer will be yes.. Then you discontinue the interview until that person can be present. Ohterwise you are just spinning your wheels and wasting your time.
One of the best posts I've ever seen on here. Sadly, most agents are too stupid and/or timid to utilize it. They have so few prospects, they're hoping against hope...