Talk to Kids.......

Perfect slam close.....wants check back in a week......

I can't tell if that's a compliment or if you are being facetious:swoon: either way, have not had anyone want their policy cancelled or wanted a future draft date stopped by just talking with them this way. It may look like a "close" but it is very much in a conversational mode and an assumptive way to get them really thinking of why we are meeting in the first place.

Of course I'm new at this and I don't know squat:twitchy:
JD and Rouse both great posts. It is usually a smoke screen objection for money. When I've had someone tell me that I'll do what JD does and lower the face amount and premium and tell them you can do the smaller amount now and add to it later if you'd like. They usually always say " oh ok I didn't know I could add to it later " and they'll usually take the lower amount.