Telemarketed Senior Leads

Mark from WI

Super Genius
100+ Post Club
I'm wondering if any agents with experience here could help out a member of SIMA with his question.

P.A. asks about Senior Telemarketed Leads -
"I have not bought them yet, but I hear it is a good way for the t67+ crowd. They are suppose to be easier than Final Expense leads to generate. If i could find a good operation I would buy from them."

Does anyone have any experience with these types of vendors? Who is the biggest? Who is the best?

Much appreciated. I will carry this information back to SIMA to help our members, and we will consider this information as we look for discounts and look to add vendors to our upcoming SIMA leads program. I personally have very little experience with telemarketed senior leads. PM's from vendors appreciated as well.

Thank you.
Not a fan of telemarketed leads whatsoever. I think the telemarketers will say someone is a lead when it is not.
Case in point, I was given "10 exclusive telemarketed leads" by a company I represent. One lead happened to be my next door neighbor--purely coincidence. I called her and asked about it and her response was I never once said I was interested, needed or wanted to talk to someone. She then went on to tell me that she would have contacted me directly if she needed help with her plan.
I can generate my own telemarketed leads with a dialer...
I can tell you to Avoid or

I've found a guy named Mark at 203-232-0487 that we are having some good luck with.
What the poster is looking for is a bit of a purple squirrel.

There are a few companies I'm starting to work with and at least one of them looks very promising. There definitely aren't any biggest or best. As much as folks complain about internet leads, at least you know where to get them.

Telemarketed leads are a tough gig because agents want to pay a flat rate per lead with returns and guarantees, but it might take all day to generate a quality lead in a given area. At that point the vendor has two options: 1, pay their telemarketers a fair wage and lose money or 2, pass of junk leads and not honor their agreement to the agent. I've done telemarketed lead generation in the past and when I did I would always charge a flat hourly with no guarantees. Sometimes it worked well for the agent, sometimes not so much.

That said, I have had some clients that have had reasonable success getting in front of folks if they hire their own telemarketer and put the telemarketer on a dialer (that's how I've done it for my own purposes). Another option, all the most agents hate the idea, is to cold call themselves.
I second what Reardon said. You've got to have a vested interest in your TM. We're getting ready to roll out some TM leads and the whole thing is about selling insurance vs. selling leads. A lead company couldn't care less if you actually sell any insurance, they are just looking for the next lead order from someone, could be you re-ordering or could be someone new, they really could care less.
Mark, I'm a little confused. Maybe you can clear it up? If the member can't find the info from SIMA, if you're going to ask, why don't you just tell them to come over here?

I am pulling this together and will credit the source! The important thing is getting the answer for him. I recommend the forum all the time, and Sam has recommended SIMA, so your point is a bit lost on me. SIMA and the forum are different animals, and I believe can be complementary.

If you have something to suggest here as the other helpful folks above, l would be appreciative.

As always, thank you so much for your kindly watchdog duties. I know they are in the best interests of the agents herein.


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