TermLifePolicy.com Can Be Yours...for $25,000!


5000 Post Club
All traffic is organic. Google Analytics reports available. Current Annual Gross Revenue: $5,191.26. Avg monthly expenses: $30 / month + $299 / year. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif]Disclaimer: Figures above are NOT my figures.
It values AffordableMarketingLists.com, FreeTelemarketingScripts.com, and HailDamageRepairCost.com, all at $10 each! Surely they're not worth more than that altogether.

I will give you $8 for them.
I'd feel terrible taking advantage of you like that, but I do appreciate the offer.
I'd feel terrible taking advantage of you like that

I understand.

How about $5?

Jeff, you might want to get some ideas from this site.

Heck, you could probably even borrow some content from that guy and he would never know.
I was once offer something good for one of my domain and like an ***, I didnt take the offer. Now, I dont think I can get a 1/10 of the offer.

For a period of time, people were buying up all the good domain names, just to resell them later.