The Art of Cold Knocks

Since were on the door knocking subject is nice to here other's strategy's. With the facebook leads especially i'm seeing many more people expressing anger you door knocked them . The problem i run into is if a spouse answers the door. The spouse is a screener usually. Of course i mention the "your spouse filled out a form on line for info on the state regulated benefits she might be eligible for". They'll say "is she expecting you"? They say "let me see if she's available". Of course 95% of the time they come back and say she's busy . Then many times they say" Call her next time ". So of course they'll never answer the phone. How you handling the above at the door? How are you getting by the screener to see her? If they tell you to call first and just don't show up are you redoorknocking it? Since door knocking and inbound calls is going to be so important in the future mastering all techniques of door knocking is very important .
@DayTimer I no longer cold call, on foot or phone, but certainly did my share when starting out. To me it was akin to hand to hand combat . . . and I am a pacifist.

My situation is different from most of the folks here, so what applies and works for me may not for others. Heck, I don't even chase "warm" leads. They get one shot and then I move on.

Make enough off renewals and referrals so I don't have to chase, beg, etc to write business.

Life is so much easier when you can focus on low hanging fruit.

Goodness gracious this^^. I would take a lower closing %, buying 3x the leads and using automation to make my life simpler and more efficient any day of the week.

Sure it costs more and you will have lower ROI, but you can scale it to make the same or even higher income and have better peace of mind.

Others don't seem to care. Is what it is.
I would take ... buying 3x the leads

Here is what he actually said lol:

Make enough off renewals and referrals so I don't have to chase, beg, etc to write business.

He doesn't appear to be recomending anyone load up on store bought leads. He is encouraging us to get to the point where all he eats is gold old fashioned home cooking.

I no longer cold call, on foot or phone, but certainly did my share when starting out.

I'm a late bloomer and still only in my 4th year as a licensed agent. My full-time start date as an agent was 2/8/2018 so I am still short of two years full time as a producer. The end game is certainly the one you are playing. I have a plan to get there. But it is going to require bloody knuckles and worn shoe leather in the meantime.
With all the fatsos wobbling around, wearing out a little shoe leather might do some folks some good. And knocking on a door with a lead card in your hand isn't a cold call!:no:

Unless, you are using a lead card that is not filled out or was completed by someone else..I like to knock doors with or without a list, with a blank lead card in hand (pink or green seems to work better than white), introduce myself and say, "You may remember receiving a card in the mail like this one that offered free information on state approved burial plans. I am the fellow that takes care of that in this area. My I step in?"...

Notice that 1) you do not lie to them and tell them you mailed them a card. 2) The approach quickly establishes why you are there. 3) Showing them the card distracts their eyes from you and focuses them on the purpose of your call. 4) You ask for an immediate response. 5) If they say yes, you are in business; if they say no you have started the conversation. 6) From this point on, you handle it exactly the same as if they had responded to the mailer.

As for the lead card I use, I have an advantage over many agents. My wife and I are seniors and receive dozens of mailers per year. I normally juts use the most recent card one of us has received.
Unless, you are using a lead card that is not filled out or was completed by someone else..I like to knock doors with or without a list, with a blank lead card in hand (pink or green seems to work better than white), introduce myself and say, "You may remember receiving a card in the mail like this one that offered free information on state approved burial plans. I am the fellow that takes care of that in this area. My I step in?"...

Notice that 1) you do not lie to them and tell them you mailed them a card. 2) The approach quickly establishes why you are there. 3) Showing them the card distracts their eyes from you and focuses them on the purpose of your call. 4) You ask for an immediate response. 5) If they say yes, you are in business; if they say no you have started the conversation. 6) From this point on, you handle it exactly the same as if they had responded to the mailer.

As for the lead card I use, I have an advantage over many agents. My wife and I are seniors and receive dozens of mailers per year. I normally juts use the most recent card one of us has received.
I am 52, have bought two homes, and my wife gave birth to three children. You think anyone, even once, tried to contact me about buying some insurance in the last 25 years?:nah::idea:
My wife and I are seniors and receive dozens of mailers per year. I normally juts use the most recent card one of us has received.
Seeing this just made me realize that I should be getting more of these mailers. We don't get any! We are getting lots of Medicare and annuity mailers. But they're mostly seminar invites, not the type where you mail back a response card. And absolutely zero FE mailers! Is this discriminatory? Should we feel offended?:realmad:
I am 52, have bought two homes, and my wife gave birth to three children. You think anyone, even once, tried to contact me about buying some insurance in the last 25 years?:nah::idea:
No…. And I have not been personally contacted by anyone about any form of insurance in the last 50 years... have received the spam calls and "junk" mail but never a personal contact.
Seeing this just made me realize that I should be getting more of these mailers. We don't get any! We are getting lots of Medicare and annuity mailers. But they're mostly seminar invites, not the type where you mail back a response card. And absolutely zero FE mailers! Is this discriminatory? Should we feel offended?:realmad:
That's because you are still a young'un.. :yes:
Things that you might want to keep in mind when cold knocking:

  1. Have a backup to FE when knocking. If you come across someone younger folks have simple term and perhaps a cancer plan to offer
  2. I use a more generic approach that includes the words, "cancer, heart attack/stroke, and serious accidents". These are trigger words that almost every one in the USA can relate to, thereby creating instant interest.
  3. Establish banking upfront. I use this line as soon as I can, "Do you bank in the area?" It's not full proof, but executed properly it can be a low key way to get a bead on the financials in the home.
  4. Take down the names of those you speak to even if they are not interested. Then when you get to the next door, "I've been speaking with everyone in the neighborhood, the Jones in the white house, Sally with all the kids, and Mr. and Mrs. Williams next door. I wanted to stop by and catch you for a second or two, do you have a spot we can sit down?"
  5. Check your face and vocal tone. Both should smile like the sun, and not like the cat that just ate the canary.
Disclaimer: This type of work activity is not for the faint at heart, for those who think they know people but don't, thin skinned or the ugly. (:laugh:) If you have a high opinion of yourself I strongly suggest you don't try this. The American public and whittle you down and out of the business very quickly. Start up cost is $0, leads are free, and the amount of secondhand weed you can ingest in a days time is limitless.