Since were on the door knocking subject is nice to here other's strategy's. With the facebook leads especially i'm seeing many more people expressing anger you door knocked them . The problem i run into is if a spouse answers the door. The spouse is a screener usually. Of course i mention the "your spouse filled out a form on line for info on the state regulated benefits she might be eligible for". They'll say "is she expecting you"? They say "let me see if she's available". Of course 95% of the time they come back and say she's busy . Then many times they say" Call her next time ". So of course they'll never answer the phone. How you handling the above at the door? How are you getting by the screener to see her? If they tell you to call first and just don't show up are you redoorknocking it? Since door knocking and inbound calls is going to be so important in the future mastering all techniques of door knocking is very important .