- 2,152
It really all comes down to how you market.
We are flooded with IFP leads, because that is our model.
It just depends where and how you are concentrating your efforts.
I know a lot of agents that could care less about Health, they use it to get in the door with life. One agent I know personally is making about $40k/mo in IFP which he told me for years "he could care less" about... I bet he cares now... lol
He only sold BCBS which was a lower commission (still is), but he said people would keep BCBS longer due to the name.
I think he was on to something.
Some are just great at what they do. While I wouldn't say not to do it but, in general if one is going to sell life or DI I wouldn't suggest limiting the first prospecting efforts towards health. Not saying it wouldn't work but, that it just is not the only way or the best way. As always, it depends upon the person doing it, yet I wouldn't suggest it in general.
Remember, there is always exceptions but, I don't see why anyone would plan on being the exception. I can view this board and active members, most who are heavy into selling Health have serious problems selling Life or even DI (?) and visa versa.