The Current State Of ObamaCare - ACA

Ann, what right wing extremist group came up with that map?

Dunno. I found it on CNBC which isn't exactly right wing extremist! But I wouldn't trust its results too much, hahaha. Statistics on a map tend to be invalid. The liberals in the city of Chicago can look tiny next to the right wing in the entire state of North Dakota, for instance. So, by land area it looks right wing. But by population, it may not be so. Chicago has a lot of people and North Dakota just has a lot of cows.
April 2, 2015

Excerpt: "Despite the influx of new subscribers, the age profile continues to skew older. Nearly half are 45 or older and 26 percent are over 55. Interest among the young remains largely unchanged over last year.

So is interest among middle income people who lack coverage. Enrollment has been dominated by those with the lowest incomes. HHS reports that 83 percent of people who have selected plans have incomes between 100 percent ($11,770) and 250 percent ($29,425) of the federal poverty level (FPL)."

Source: Obamacare: Pay More, Get Less | Doug's Brief Case

It's looking like the pool of willing enrollees is drying up already! What would be the best method to get the remaining 30 million uninsured enrolled?
1.) Increase the IRS Penalty-Tax to somewhere in the 5% to 8% range?
2.) Get rid of most of the exemptions from the IRS Penalty-Tax?
3.) No more medical care (EMTALA) unless you have insurance, or cash/assets to pay?

Would any less extreme "incentives" work with attracting the younger crowd? Like custom Obama Hoodies?
They already have access to free phones, free housing, free food, free transportation to the voting polls.

Can't think of anything else that they need.
I'm so tired of hearing "The 18-34's aren't enrolling! The sky is falling!"

The 18-26'ers aren't going to enroll. They are on their parents plans! The data is based on the member, not the dependents. (I have a few we put on separate plans to get the subsidy, but that was rare)

For the 26 to 34's....maybe the hoodie thing will work ;)
ot all youngins are on parents plan... I deal with this highly subsidized crowd... youg folks could care less about signing up. Once they figured out it was not automatically given to them and money would change hands they were out. A 5 buck a month premium was the door change on keg night so partying is the name of the game, not paying 5 bucks for a health plan.

Young folks will neversign up unless they are auto enrolled at no cost

young folks to me is 19-33

Primary sources for growth of Agent's book of business in 2016 O.E. will come from: 1.) voluntary and mandatory pre-2014 plan terminations & 2.) Assuming AOR status of house, orphaned, and clients of negligent agents.