The Current State Of ObamaCare - ACA


Primary sources for growth of Agent's book of business in 2016 O.E. will come from: 1.) voluntary and mandatory pre-2014 plan terminations & 2.) Assuming AOR status of house, orphaned, and clients of negligent agents.

I think that's true for 2017 OEP.

My crystal ball says that 2016 will still have clients out there, but I think independents like us will max out after that and anyone who wants an agent will have one.
ot all youngins are on parents plan... I deal with this highly subsidized crowd... youg folks could care less about signing up. Once they figured out it was not automatically given to them and money would change hands they were out. A 5 buck a month premium was the door change on keg night so partying is the name of the game, not paying 5 bucks for a health plan.

Young folks will neversign up unless they are auto enrolled at no cost

young folks to me is 19-33

Today, I enrolled a 26 year old pregnant woman, with her 28 year old husband, and 2 kids (1 more on the way) who are losing Medicaid. Of course, HIS MOTHER PAID THE PREMIUM!!! hahaha. Otherwise they would have gone without.

I agree with the opinion that the young people don't want to enroll.
I'm nerve racked over the next AEP for ACA. I'm still getting calls every other day for those still "uninsured". My ACA enrollments are matching my Medicare enrollments for new clients.

Being able to serve our Medicare book and ACA book at the same window has me worried. I'm looking to hire, fast.

That's some nice data. The chart is horrible (so many rules broken on data presentation) but the table at the end is golden.

Important part:

VA and WA had negative year over year growth(-17 and -2), CA had 1%. Average is about 53%.

Retention varied wildly. Only one state, ND, had over 90% (94.3). Most fell in the 75-89% range. Only a few were under 70%:

CA was 65, HI was 36, MN was 49, WA was 62.
June 15, 2015

ObamaCare has to be the most inefficient use of taxpayer dollars since taxes were first collected in this country.

Before ObamaCare became law in March 2010, 85% of the American public were satisfied with their health insurance.

Here we are, 5 years, $100 Billion dollars later, and the satisfaction index has skyrocketed to...(drum roll).... 86%.

See Exhibit #10 at: Americans' Experiences with Marketplace and Medicaid Coverage - The Commonwealth Fund
