The Dems Turn Up Another Anita Hill At The 11th Hour

Robert Barney

1000 Post Club
Oh, deja vu all over again:

Woman accusing Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct comes forward

I am old enough to have seen this BS before:

Only this time:

The woman, Christine Blasey Ford, told The Washington Post in her first interview that Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed at a Maryland party they attended in the early 1980s, clumsily tried to remove her clothing and put his hand over her mouth when she tried to scream.

I thought he might inadvertently kill me,” Ford said. “He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.”​

I am trying to understand if her clothes were removed.

I am trying to understand, if what he was doing might kill her, why this was not reported to the police at the time.

All of this happened in the "early 1980's". What year was it? Early 1980's were 1980-1985. In 1980, Kavanaugh was 15, and the accuser was 13. In 1985 Kavanaugh would have been 20, and she was 18. Kind of important to pin down the year.
Oh, I found the letter:

Read the letter Christine Blasey Ford sent accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct - CNNPolitics

July 30 2018


Senator Dianne Feinstein

Dear Senator Feinstein;

I am writing with information relevant in evaluating the current nominee to the Supreme Court.

As a constituent, I expect that you will maintain this as confidential until we have further opportunity to speak.

Brett Kavanaugh physically and sexually assaulted me during high school in the early 1980's. He conducted these acts with the assistance of REDACTED.

Both were one to two years older than me and students at a local private school.

The assault occurred in a suburban Maryland area home at a gathering that included me and four others.

Kavanaugh physically pushed me into a bedroom as I was headed for a bathroom up a short stair well from the living room. They locked the door and played loud music precluding any successful attempt to yell for help.

Kavanaugh was on top of me while laughing with REDACTED, who periodically jumped onto Kavanaugh. They both laughed as Kavanaugh tried to disrobe me in their highly inebriated state. With Kavanaugh's hand over my mouth I feared he may inadvertently kill me.

From across the room a very drunken REDACTED said mixed words to Kavanaugh ranging from "go for it" to "stop."

At one point when REDACTED jumped onto the bed the weight on me was substantial. The pile toppled, and the two scrapped with each other. After a few attempts to get away, I was able to take this opportune moment to get up and run across to a hallway bathroom. I locked the bathroom door behind me. Both loudly stumbled down the stair well at which point other persons at the house were talking with them. I exited the bathroom, ran outside of the house and went home.

I have not knowingly seen Kavanaugh since the assault. I did see REDACTED once at the REDACTED where he was extremely uncomfortable seeing me.

I have received medical treatment regarding the assault. On July 6 I notified my local government representative to ask them how to proceed with sharing this information . It is upsetting to discuss sexual assault and its repercussions, yet I felt guilty and compelled as a citizen about the idea of not saying anything.

I am available to speak further should you wish to discuss. I am currently REDACTED and will be in REDACTED.

In confidence, REDACTED.​

"during high school in the early 1980's." Couldn't pin down a date?

So apparently Kavanaugh had a partner in this effort. His/her (just trying to be enlightened) is REDACTED.

What is remarkable about this "story" is that apparently Kavanaugh did not go to the same school as this girl, she talk about it as "a local private school".

Had she met Kavanaugh before? How often? She said she hasn't seen Kavanaugh since the alleged assault. How do we know it was Kavanaugh if the event happened.

Kavanaugh has been before Senate hearings before. Why are we hearing about this now? The answer is simple: Anita Hill
It occurred to me that if this leads to the disqualification of Kavanaugh as a judge, he's probably AOK to be Pope.
The facts slowly leak out. From this article:

Kavanaugh denies allegation anew, arrives at White House

which says:

“I am willing to talk to the Senate Judiciary Committee in any way the committee deems appropriate to refute this false allegation, from 36 years ago, and defend my integrity,” Kavanaugh said.

36 years ago makes this an alleged event in 1982. Kavanaugh was 17 in 1982, and the accuser was 15.
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As I was saying, this from Politico:

Trump says Avenatti made 'false accusations' after third Kavanaugh allegation

which says:

"Avenatti is a third rate lawyer who is good at making false accusations, like he did on me and like he is now doing on Judge Brett Kavanaugh," Trump tweeted. "He is just looking for attention and doesn’t want people to look at his past record and relationships - a total low-life!"​

That's a very fair assessment. Democrats will whine the President should not comment in advance of tomorrow's hearing, but injecting Avenetti into this process is a scumbag strategy and they should not be surprised.

Personally, I hope that Feinstein and her ilk rush to Avenetti's defense.