The Dismantling of ObamaCare - Ongoing Updates.

This post makes as much sense as you saying you're glad the Marlboro man died. You'll be glad to know that 4 Marlboro Men(that's right, there was more than one)have died from smoking related you can be 4 times as happy.

We need to build the military back up and add to the border control. He's cutting down the government in other areas, like the EPA. Do we really need all those regulations and do we need to stop construction because some rare cockroach might be in danger? We have too many do-nothing desk jockeys in government. Those won't be replaced as they retire and some will be eliminated. There's so much waste in government.

I sincerely doubt that line, "Net immigration from Mexico has been 0 for years". Even if it were true, it doesn't include Illegal Immigration!

Illegal Immigration...that's why we need to build that wall! Emminent domain has been used many times you enjoy driving in a straight line on the Interstate. Can you imagine the zig-zagging if they didn't use it. That would make it cost more and it would be an eye sore.

Why do I get the impression that you're exaggerating about your "brown friend" being stopped more all of a sudden...just like you exaggerate everything else to do with Trump.

Trump wasn't elected to tolerate all the differing "LIBERAL" opinions. P.C. doesn't work.

You keep running your mouth about Trump lying. All politicians lie, and 2 of the biggest liars are your beloved O'bama and Crooked Hillary.

Yes, most of this crap IS O'bama's fault. How can it be Trump's fault? You Libs can't seem to grasp the fact that TRUMP HAS ONLY BEEN THE PRESIDENT FOR 5 WEEKS!!!:twitchy:

Trump needs to stay!!!

We already spend more on military offense than the rest of the world combined. We invade more foreign countries and overthrow or attempt to overthrow more governments than any any other country in the world. And then wonder why people hate us.

I guarantee that we'd be learning about how to make IEDs and would be considered "terrorists" if a foreign army came over here. Don't act so high and mighty.

Do your research on immigration and don't be so quick to ramp up the military state. The wall is just for show and make-work we have to pay for. Just suppose for a minute that we decided to tolerate absolutely 0 illegals and throw all that are already here out. First, we'd all have to submit to periodic checks and be able to prove that we are here legally. I personally don't want to deal with check points and the monitoring that goes with them. Besides, we benefit from most of the immigrants that are here. The uneducated do our grunt work on the cheap. The educated bring technological skills.

As far as exaggerating, unfortunately, I'm not. Anyone with brown skin is suspect in today's climate and it will likely get worse. We've seen this before. The good news is resistance is forming.

There are children who were born here, are by definition citizens, whose parents have been here for years and have been contributing for years. Many come here with nothing, have to learn the language, customs and figure out how to make a living. They do this and you want to throw them out? It seems they should have earned a little respect by now. How are they different from any other set of immigrants? If they contribute and don't harm, what's your problem? Perhaps the problem is with the law. On a tangent, many people are in prison (that we pay for) for crimes that are not harmful or are harmful only to the person committing them. Should we continue to keep them in prison and pay for them to be in prison or does the law need to change?

As far as Trump not tolerating "Liberal Opinions", he doesn't have the ability to tolerate ANY opinions different from his own. That prevents him from taking in new information and is dangerous. He isn't God and some of his opinions are by definition wrong. Allowing differing opinions is the very essence of freedom.

I look at Trump's business dealings and don't see a "successful businessman" who should be emulated. I see a lack of integrity, theft and narcissism. Ask the people who were ripped off by Trump University how much value they received, whether promises were kept and how fit Tiny Hands is to run the country.

I disagree with Obama plenty. I don't like his use of drones but it was George W (who I voted for) that went into Iraq and Afghanistan and didn't raise taxes to pay for those wars. The people wouldn't have stood for the wars if they had to pay the bills when incurred. That was/is a cluster **** as is Guantanamo. At least Obama made moves to close Guantanamo. He should have been helped by the Repubs, not hindered in getting this behind us. Since when is it OK for the government to have black sites ant torture? WTF

I also don't think the VA should be duplicating infrastructure that is readily available outside the government. Perhaps use the VA for not available elsewhere like psychological rehab from PTSD but the other hospital services aren't available at the VA in sufficient quantity or of the same quality as what's available privately. We sent our kids to war and owe them. My friend at the gym who had is leg blown off waits and waits for the next surgery. That's wrong. He could get it next week under Obamacare but he doesn't make much money and wnats the free VA.

As far as this thread Health Care Reform being Obama's fault, you ignore the fact that we had different problems before ACA. Those without coverage couldn't/wouldn't pay for health care, those without group coverage couldn't buy coverage and rates marched upward at a steady 10% every year.

The Repubs cross-state insurance competition suggestion is an insult and does absolutely nothing to fix the problem. There is no price competition when all carriers are looking at the same claims. There would only be competition if the providers had to publish a price list. HSAs are only for those who have money and mean nothing to people making $20, $10 or less. People at those income levels do not much if any federal income tax.

We know that Trump is in violation of the emolument cause. We know that he is a narcissist. We know that he has pissed of allies who we need to work with. We know that he doesn't accept different opinions. We know that he intends to impose his will on anyone he can. We know that he's like a lost babe wandering in the woods. Unfortunately, he's more dangerous than a babe. We know that an imposition of will means LESS freedom to everyone else. We know that he was elected by less than 50% of the voters and has no mandate.

He's just a petulant little boy trying to live up to his daddy's expectations.

I do agree with one thing. He's right when he said that Russia is a powerful country with nukes and that we are a powerful country with nukes and that we need to get along. Unfortunately, the Dems have joined with Repubs and started a drum beat against Russia which could lead to war.

Still, Pinche Trump. He needs to go and I'm doing everything I can to get him out.
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We already spend more on military offense than the rest of the world combined. We invade more foreign countries and overthrow or attempt to overthrow more governments than any any other country in the world. And then wonder why people hate us.

I guarantee that we'd be learning about how to make IEDs and would be considered "terrorists" if a foreign army came over here. Don't act so high and mighty.

Do your research on immigration and don't be so quick to ramp up the military state. The wall is just for show and make-work we have to pay for. Just suppose for a minute that we decided to tolerate absolutely 0 illegals and throw all that are already here out. First, we'd all have to submit to periodic checks and be able to prove that we are here legally. I personally don't want to deal with check points and the monitoring that goes with them. Besides, we benefit from most of the immigrants that are here. The uneducated do our grunt work on the cheap. The educated bring technological skills.

As far as exaggerating, unfortunately, I'm not. Anyone with brown skin is suspect in today's climate and it will likely get worse. We've seen this before. The good news is resistance is forming.

There are children who were born here, are by definition citizens, whose parents have been here for years and have been contributing for years. Many come here with nothing, have to learn the language, customs and figure out how to make a living. They do this and you want to throw them out? It seems they should have earned a little respect by now. How are they different from any other set of immigrants? If they contribute and don't harm, what's your problem? Perhaps the problem is with the law. On a tangent, many people are in prison (that we pay for) for crimes that are not harmful or are harmful only to the person committing them. Should we continue to keep them in prison and pay for them to be in prison or does the law need to change?

As far as Trump not tolerating "Liberal Opinions", he doesn't have the ability to tolerate ANY opinions different from his own. That prevents him from taking in new information and is dangerous. He isn't God and some of his opinions are by definition wrong. Allowing differing opinions is the very essence of freedom.

I look at Trump's business dealings and don't see a "successful businessman" who should be emulated. I see a lack of integrity, theft and narcissism. Ask the people who were ripped off by Trump University how much value they received, whether promises were kept and how fit Tiny Hands is to run the country.

I disagree with Obama plenty. I don't like his use of drones but it was George W (who I voted for) that went into Iraq and Afghanistan and didn't raise taxes to pay for those wars. The people wouldn't have stood for the wars if they had to pay the bills when incurred. That was/is a cluster **** as is Guantanamo. At least Obama made moves to close Guantanamo. He should have been helped by the Repubs, not hindered in getting this behind us. Since when is it OK for the government to have black sites ant torture? WTF

I also don't think the VA should be duplicating infrastructure that is readily available outside the government. Perhaps use the VA for not available elsewhere like psychological rehab from PTSD but the other hospital services aren't available at the VA in sufficient quantity or of the same quality as what's available privately. We sent our kids to war and owe them. My friend at the gym who had is leg blown off waits and waits for the next surgery. That's wrong. He could get it next week under Obamacare but he doesn't make much money and wnats the free VA.

As far as this thread Health Care Reform being Obama's fault, you ignore the fact that we had different problems before ACA. Those without coverage couldn't/wouldn't pay for health care, those without group coverage couldn't buy coverage and rates marched upward at a steady 10% every year.

The Repubs cross-state insurance competition suggestion is an insult and does absolutely nothing to fix the problem. There is no price competition when all carriers are looking at the same claims. There would only be competition if the providers had to publish a price list. HSAs are only for those who have money and mean nothing to people making $20, $10 or less. People at those income levels do not much if any federal income tax.

We know that Trump is in violation of the emolument cause. We know that he is a narcissist. We know that he has pissed of allies who we need to work with. We know that he doesn't accept different opinions. We know that he intends to impose his will on anyone he can. We know that he's like a lost babe wandering in the woods. Unfortunately, he's more dangerous than a babe. We know that an imposition of will means LESS freedom to everyone else. We know that he was elected by less than 50% of the voters and has no mandate.

He's just a petulant little boy trying to live up to his daddy's expectations.

I do agree with one thing. He's right when he said that Russia is a powerful country with nukes and that we are a powerful country with nukes and that we need to get along. Unfortunately, the Dems have joined with Repubs and started a drum beat against Russia which could lead to war.

Still, Pinche Trump. He needs to go and I'm doing everything I can to get him out.

You talk, but you don't listen or pay attention. :SLEEP:

I agree with you that we stick our nose where they don't belong, but with Russia and China building up their military, we have to keep up. We want to stay the main Super Power. It'll make them think twice about attacking us. With the crazies in Iran and N. Korea, we have to keep our thumbs on them, because if they go nuclear, they're crazy enough to send a missile our way.

If we threw all the illegals out and kept them from coming back in, there'd be no need for spot checks. Building the wall will create jobs. With the additional border patrol, they can keep almost all of the from sneaking back in.

You're blending the legal and the illegal immigrant discussions together. If they come in problemo. Also, if you'd pay attention, Trump's not talking about throwing all illegals out...just the criminals. The Dreamers can stay. Open your ears and don't just do like the idiots Pelosi, Maxine(WTF)Waters and Fake Tears Schumer and just criticize to be criticizing.

Yeah, that was a "real smart" thing that *** O'bama did letting out those terrorists from Gitmo right before he left office. Some of them are already back in business.

As far as O'bama care. He just wanted to have something with his name on it. He's so worried about his "Legacy" that he was running ads begging people to protect his "Legacy". Did you like it the way it was before O'bama F*CKED it up? They should have left it like it was and given free insurance to those that truly couldn't get insurance because of health conditions. It would've been a hell of a lot cheaper to do that than turn the entire industry upside down for 5% of the population...just so O'bama could have a "Legacy". He's got a "Legacy" all right..that of an ***!

The economy is the most important thing that keeps the wheels turning. Are you going to deny that Trump's already brought thousands of jobs back to the U.S., with many more on the way? I suppose you want to credit O'bama for the soaring stock market. :twitchy:
No, we don't have to keep up, we are hundreds of miles ahead. We need to quit messing with people and mind our own business.

The Repubs trashed the economy with loan deregulation and in now has recovered.

The market goes up because they expect Trump to deregulated and let them **** all over the world. We need food. We need land. We have plenty of oil. Who benefits from Dakota pipeline- right, oil companies and especially their executives.

Trump hasn't done squat to suddenly create jobs. Economy doesn't adjust that fast.

Pinche Trump
No, we don't have to keep up, we are hundreds of miles ahead. We need to quit messing with people and mind our own business.

The Repubs trashed the economy with loan deregulation and in now has recovered.

The market goes up because they expect Trump to deregulated and let them **** all over the world. We need food. We need land. We have plenty of oil. Who benefits from Dakota pipeline- right, oil companies and especially their executives.

Trump hasn't done squat to suddenly create jobs. Economy doesn't adjust that fast.

Pinche Trump

Your Lib nonsense is getting as boring as Pelosi, Maxine (WTF) Waters, Fake Tears Schumer, Crooked Killary, The Kenyan and all the rest of the cast. You Libs think that if you keep spouting your nonsense that it'll eventually come true.:SLEEP::SLEEP::SLEEP::twitchy:


Your hero O'bama has smoked cigarettes as recently as 2010(probably more recently than that, he probably lied about that too...LOL). Do you wish him to be dead because he smoked and was in the public eye when he did so?:)
How about all the Dentistas, Farmacia's, Custodial nursing homes in Nuevo Mexico....Really shocked to see so much border Medicine I know I know the high cost of American Medical care(no politics please) but MEXICO??? Yikes
We already spend more on military offense than the rest of the world combined. We invade more foreign countries and overthrow or attempt to overthrow more governments than any any other country in the world. And then wonder why people hate us.

I guarantee that we'd be learning about how to make IEDs and would be considered "terrorists" if a foreign army came over here. Don't act so high and mighty.

Do your research on immigration and don't be so quick to ramp up the military state. The wall is just for show and make-work we have to pay for. Just suppose for a minute that we decided to tolerate absolutely 0 illegals and throw all that are already here out. First, we'd all have to submit to periodic checks and be able to prove that we are here legally. I personally don't want to deal with check points and the monitoring that goes with them. Besides, we benefit from most of the immigrants that are here. The uneducated do our grunt work on the cheap. The educated bring technological skills.

As far as exaggerating, unfortunately, I'm not. Anyone with brown skin is suspect in today's climate and it will likely get worse. We've seen this before. The good news is resistance is forming.

There are children who were born here, are by definition citizens, whose parents have been here for years and have been contributing for years. Many come here with nothing, have to learn the language, customs and figure out how to make a living. They do this and you want to throw them out? It seems they should have earned a little respect by now. How are they different from any other set of immigrants? If they contribute and don't harm, what's your problem? Perhaps the problem is with the law. On a tangent, many people are in prison (that we pay for) for crimes that are not harmful or are harmful only to the person committing them. Should we continue to keep them in prison and pay for them to be in prison or does the law need to change?

As far as Trump not tolerating "Liberal Opinions", he doesn't have the ability to tolerate ANY opinions different from his own. That prevents him from taking in new information and is dangerous. He isn't God and some of his opinions are by definition wrong. Allowing differing opinions is the very essence of freedom.

I look at Trump's business dealings and don't see a "successful businessman" who should be emulated. I see a lack of integrity, theft and narcissism. Ask the people who were ripped off by Trump University how much value they received, whether promises were kept and how fit Tiny Hands is to run the country.

I disagree with Obama plenty. I don't like his use of drones but it was George W (who I voted for) that went into Iraq and Afghanistan and didn't raise taxes to pay for those wars. The people wouldn't have stood for the wars if they had to pay the bills when incurred. That was/is a cluster **** as is Guantanamo. At least Obama made moves to close Guantanamo. He should have been helped by the Repubs, not hindered in getting this behind us. Since when is it OK for the government to have black sites ant torture? WTF

I also don't think the VA should be duplicating infrastructure that is readily available outside the government. Perhaps use the VA for not available elsewhere like psychological rehab from PTSD but the other hospital services aren't available at the VA in sufficient quantity or of the same quality as what's available privately. We sent our kids to war and owe them. My friend at the gym who had is leg blown off waits and waits for the next surgery. That's wrong. He could get it next week under Obamacare but he doesn't make much money and wnats the free VA.

As far as this thread Health Care Reform being Obama's fault, you ignore the fact that we had different problems before ACA. Those without coverage couldn't/wouldn't pay for health care, those without group coverage couldn't buy coverage and rates marched upward at a steady 10% every year.

The Repubs cross-state insurance competition suggestion is an insult and does absolutely nothing to fix the problem. There is no price competition when all carriers are looking at the same claims. There would only be competition if the providers had to publish a price list. HSAs are only for those who have money and mean nothing to people making $20, $10 or less. People at those income levels do not much if any federal income tax.

We know that Trump is in violation of the emolument cause. We know that he is a narcissist. We know that he has pissed of allies who we need to work with. We know that he doesn't accept different opinions. We know that he intends to impose his will on anyone he can. We know that he's like a lost babe wandering in the woods. Unfortunately, he's more dangerous than a babe. We know that an imposition of will means LESS freedom to everyone else. We know that he was elected by less than 50% of the voters and has no mandate.

He's just a petulant little boy trying to live up to his daddy's expectations.

I do agree with one thing. He's right when he said that Russia is a powerful country with nukes and that we are a powerful country with nukes and that we need to get along. Unfortunately, the Dems have joined with Repubs and started a drum beat against Russia which could lead to war.

Still, Pinche Trump. He needs to go and I'm doing everything I can to get him out.

But there is one thing you have to admit about President Trump, he's not President Clinton praise God.