The Dismantling of ObamaCare - Ongoing Updates.

Tax incentives and public service announcements can make a big difference in society's disapproval of a product. In the 1960's and 70's, every cool person smoked. The tax on cigarettes and the public service announcements about its dangers are to be credited for a huge societal shift about tobacco smoking.
Leave the government out of planning what I eat. We should eat what we want without politicians butting in.

They already are. That's why corn syrup is in most foods, and ethenol is in most of the gas you buy. Corn Syrup and Ethenol would be 2x-4x more expensive without government intervention.


Sounds like a Conspiracy Theory.

You jest... but as an investor, it would be one hell of a profit model. Make em fat and unhealthy and then squeeze them for every dime they can for medical care. Best thing is that the kids are even more unhealthy than the adults were at that age... so they will spend even more on healthcare than the previous generations. It's a self fulfilling profit cycle that is ever increasing.

But na... nothing to see here folks
They already are. That's why corn syrup is in most foods, and ethenol is in most of the gas you buy. Corn Syrup and Ethenol would be 2x-4x more expensive without government intervention.


Not necessarily. Many economists have shown that subsidies, specifically the ones you refer to above, actually increase prices and have numerous other unintended consequences. In fact many, like the above are designed specifically to INCREASE the cost so that (as one example) farmers make more per unit.

Unintended consequences are that corn is higher priced across the board, i.e. as food as well.Ethanol is not as efficient as gasoline and thus means you must purchase more of it. It is in effect as well a "reverse tariff"

Should study up on how the Commerce Clause has been for a long time perverted to the point where the government has fined people for NOT growing a certain crop or growing less of it.

Or how govt gives farmers big $ to NOT plant land for the sole reason of raising prices.
Not necessarily. Many economists have shown that subsidies, specifically the ones you refer to above, actually increase prices and have numerous other unintended consequences. In fact many, like the above are designed specifically to INCREASE the cost so that (as one example) farmers make more per unit.

Unintended consequences are that corn is higher priced across the board, i.e. as food as well.Ethanol is not as efficient as gasoline and thus means you must purchase more of it. It is in effect as well a "reverse tariff"

Should study up on how the Commerce Clause has been for a long time perverted to the point where the government has fined people for NOT growing a certain crop or growing less of it.

Or how govt gives farmers big $ to NOT plant land for the sole reason of raising prices.

Your right, it can go both ways. They give subsidies to ensure farmers can make a profit in certain years... at least that was its original purpose... was to ensure the stability of the countries food supply. However, a surplus of money enables artificial price manipulation. On a historical basis, the corn syrup companies keep the price just cheap enough for the main food producers to use it over healthier options. The ethanol producers keep the price just low enough to be cheaper than refined gasoline. (historically speaking, gas just crept lower in 2016).

Since the mid 90s, the Government has spent close to $300 Billion on Corn Subsidies.
We havent even spent $500mm on vegetables in the same time period.
Something like 5% of farmers get 75% of the subsidies. Mostly large corporations.

And they wonder why half the country is overweight and spend hundreds of millions to "make people healthy". How about we just stop spending billions subsiding junk food?
Friday, February 24, 2017

At some point, I think we'll need to start a new thread that focuses on the REPLACEMENT to ObamaScrew. But for now, here's a draft of the reconciliation bill that was "leaked" to Politico today. I get a headache while looking over the 109 pages, but it appears to be a combo repeal/replace. What do you all think?

Link to scan of the draft:

Here is a summary of the bill, in laymen's terms, from Politico.
Link: Exclusive: Leaked GOP Obamacare replacement shrinks subsidies, Medicaid expansion - POLITICO

I'm still hoping that companies who want to be able to offer underwritten plans, without those plans being called "illegal", or "non-compliant", will be free to do so. Maybe there's something in the above draft which allows this? We'll know soon, as this draft starts to circulate.

This coming Monday, President Trump will be meeting at the White House with most of the health insurance executives. (Molina wasn't invited though.) Hopefully HHS Secretary Tom Price will be there too.


Do these soda taxes even apply to sugar-free drinks? How does drinking Diet Pepsi with Splenda make someone fatter and less healthy?

Try drinking a bunch of Coke and see how much more you want. Do this for 2 months and note how healthy you are.

I have a bike riding friend who was going to need a liver transplant. The licensed MD had no other options. He went to a whoelistic healer, started eating raw and juicing with absolutely nothing processed going into his body. His liver started recovering and he is still riding. The reversal started almost immediately and took a couple of years. He continued to attend rides during the process so I witnessed much of it.

Yes, the corn lobby has paid off Congress just like the drug lobby, big oil etc. The country is not better off. We should not be burning our food especially since many continue to starve.

The tobacc industry fought taxes and avoids spillover costs of cancer. Of course, corporations are people and have the right to buy Congress just like other citizens. And yes, I remember the Marlboro Man. Glad he's dead. Only toe poor continue to smoke - but it's their right and we need to provide protect the small farmer.

I note that Trump won by saying that he would get the robbers out and give the country back to the people. All of his actions to date are against people and for large corporations and expand the police state. He also wants to cut taxes while letting corps do whatever they want.

The Repubs are running into flack on pre-ex. Instead of repeal, replace, repair, they will let it die and blame Obama and the insurance companies. Rules will be loosened, carriers will find the loop holes and we'll be back to underwriting. Agents will have something to sell, drug companies will continue to raise prices and only the sick and poor will not have access. This is as it should be. Just as someone has to fight war, some have to be sacrificed so others can get paid.

Pinche Trump.
Try drinking a bunch of Coke and see how much more you want. Do this for 2 months and note how healthy you are.

I have a bike riding friend who was going to need a liver transplant. The licensed MD had no other options. He went to a whoelistic healer, started eating raw and juicing with absolutely nothing processed going into his body. His liver started recovering and he is still riding. The reversal started almost immediately and took a couple of years. He continued to attend rides during the process so I witnessed much of it.

Yes, the corn lobby has paid off Congress just like the drug lobby, big oil etc. The country is not better off. We should not be burning our food especially since many continue to starve.

The tobacc industry fought taxes and avoids spillover costs of cancer. Of course, corporations are people and have the right to buy Congress just like other citizens. And yes, I remember the Marlboro Man. Glad he's dead. Only toe poor continue to smoke - but it's their right and we need to provide protect the small farmer.

I note that Trump won by saying that he would get the robbers out and give the country back to the people. All of his actions to date are against people and for large corporations and expand the police state. He also wants to cut taxes while letting corps do whatever they want.

The Repubs are running into flack on pre-ex. Instead of repeal, replace, repair, they will let it die and blame Obama and the insurance companies. Rules will be loosened, carriers will find the loop holes and we'll be back to underwriting. Agents will have something to sell, drug companies will continue to raise prices and only the sick and poor will not have access. This is as it should be. Just as someone has to fight war, some have to be sacrificed so others can get paid.

Pinche Trump.

Gad he's dead...well bless your heart. You're a real peach, aren't you. :skeptical:

You do realize that Trump's only been President for about 5 weeks and the Dems are dragging there feet to slow him down. On 2nd thought.....maybe you don't. :twitchy: