The Dismantling of ObamaCare - Ongoing Updates.

We thought that point was obvious, which is why we didn't state it. Or actually "restate it" is more appropriate, considering that it has been stated multiple times on this forum.

I've noticed that you often talk about what this forum is "in denial about" or "doesn't know about". If you think we are stupid, why do you post here?

I did not mean to offend nor do I think you are stupid but rather disagree with what I have read over and over again on this forum. While I have not joined in I have followed this(time permitting) forum for quite some time( since Obamacare passed) and I disagree-- contributors have almost never posted about the overtreatment of patients for the Financial gain of almost all medical providers! I'm a pretty good bean counter and not bad at researching risk and I have concluded that this is the central challenge to Healthcare costs and reform. This forum along with all types of Media ,the corner Bar, you name it, ARE NOT STATING THE OBVIOUS ENOUGH!! Sorry if this hurts your vocational pride but if we continue to allow providers to render the volume of services on the chronically sick, aged and at the end of life (many times unnecessary) no conservative or Liberal reform will mean anything. This challenge can not be addressed by improved personal responsibility, free markets, selling across state lines tort reform ideas that have already been tried. Rather we have to find some formula where fee for service is a thing of the past and some sort of paid for outcomes is the future. I'm confident with a little research you will see how concentrated healthcare costs really are and of course agree 100% with yours truly ha ha
Looks like the vote was delayed, I predict it won't pass, House Liberty Caucus doesn't look like they're budging..


I loved this cartoon.

I'm hearing that Dems are privately hoping that the healthcare bill passes because they would like to run against it in the midterms by saying "Eight years to come up with a better system and we get this piece of $%$#@?"

Maybe someone will explain how this is nothing more than O-care with a bit of lipstick and a huge giveaway to the insurance carriers.

Question for Ann and anyone else who have read the bill: Does the legislation keep in effect the rule that says X % of carrier income has to go to claims... which the carriers used as an excuse to drastically cut your commissions? Does it keep some kind of cap on how much the carriers can spend on 'admin' (which includes your comp?)
Question for Ann and anyone else who have read the bill: Does the legislation keep in effect the rule that says X % of carrier income has to go to claims... which the carriers used as an excuse to drastically cut your commissions? Does it keep some kind of cap on how much the carriers can spend on 'admin' (which includes your comp?)

What you are talking about is called the Medical Loss Ratio.

And no, it is not addressed in either bill :)
But h.h.s can pull commissions very easily out of m.l.r calculation. If that's the knife you are trying to insert in agents backs.
Do you think if we just repealed the HMO Act of 1973, this would fix itself?


Trump threw Ryan under the bus on this one. Perhaps he should.

Mr. Trump has told four people close to him that he regrets going along with Speaker Paul D. Ryan's plan to push a health care overhaul before unveiling a tax cut proposal more politically palatable to Republicans.

He said ruefully this week that he should have done tax reform first when it became clear that the quick-hit health care victory he had hoped for was not going to materialize
That bill was less successful than a straight guy walking into a lesbian bar to pick up a date.

Its all on Paul Ryan. Why go fishing when you know there is no chance of getting a bite?