The Dismantling of ObamaCare - Ongoing Updates.

That would be good. Just let all small groups have a tax credit.

Funny, when HSAs came out, we cut benefits in 1 step figuring it wasn't going to get better & that we'd better just hold onto as much cash as possible. It got worse but at least I have the cash.
[email protected]

Seems the senate, with only invited input from certain people, instead of any senate hearings have put together a repeal or replace or a new plan without anyone knowing. I cannot find the article again but saved the email address to give my input. It is the above email and it seems today is the last day they will be taking comments from the invited people. Please send your own email with input.


Thankfully most Obamacare customers will continue to pay under $100 a month thanks to the subsidies according to HHS.

Well, this leaves the insurance companies hanging. If what I hear is true if they are cut, it will be immediate. They should have come out and said until the end of this year.
Doesn't help those who have a little folding money.
I guess you can't save everybody, short of implementing a National Health Care system. The question is, how much are Americans willing to pay for something like that.


The scaling back on supporting the ACA-ObamaCare continues, from the Trump administration. A 20% cut in financial support for Federal Marketplace-Exchange functions in 2018.

""In President Trump's budget plan, proposed $1.6 trillion reductions to Medicaid have taken center stage. But tucked into the raft of health care cuts is something that's attracted less attention: cuts for, the website where about 10 million Americans go to shop for insurance.

For 2017, President Obama thought needed $2.1 billion to run smoothly. For 2018, Trump thinks it just needs $1.7 billion.

"So that means 20 percent less funding for things including helping people enroll, running, outreach and marketing, running the call center," said Aviva Aron-Dine, a former Health and Human Services senior adviser during the Obama administration.""

Full Story, complete with idiotic opinions from "experts":
@Allen: don't know what you take issue with in that story. Everyone is slammed and more people are needed. Can't hire without money. Have to disseminate information somehow and ads don't run for free.

Your "Can't save everyone" statement comes off as condescending.

It matters when it's you. Yours appears to be a "Let them eat cake" response. The person that said that had her head cut off.

Interestingly, a report said key executive pay went up 8%. "Key" defined to mean income in multiple millions. Lower incomes will eventually riot and take theirs. The French call it a revolution. Go read about how that turned out.


This is good.
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@Allen: don't know what you take issue with in that story. Everyone is slammed and more people are needed. Can't hire without money. Have to disseminate information somehow and ads don't run for free.

Your "Can't save everyone" statement comes off as condescending.

It matters when it's you. Yours appears to be a "Let them eat cake" response. The person that said that had her head cut off.


This is good.

I see that funding reduction as the beginning of the end of hellish experiences with the Marketplace.

"Can't save everyone", is a fact of life, JunkMan. There are people who are eligible for $0 premium ObamaCare plans, and $0 premium Medicaid, that have not enrolled.

Jared Kushner's properties? How are they related to Health Insurance?


Say it ain't so .......Joe
Proof is in the pudding.....
And premiums will drop $2500
All cliche's

According to the report, which uses the data the Obama administration relied on, "average exchange premiums were 105 percent higher in the 39 states using in 2017 than average individual market premiums in 2013.

Those premium increases are very tangible, and rough, for the millions of IFPlan Individuals and Families who earn over 300% of FPL. Some of my clients send me an e-mail inquiry every time ObamaScrew related news breaks. They can't wait to hear that less expensive major medical alternatives are available.