The Mass. model is working

Ok, a guy runs his own business, no employees, in MD - not married and makes very good money - $100,000+ but he doesn't qualify medically. His former job laid him off and since it was a small biz they didn't have to offer him Cobra. MD doesn't have any group of 1 coverage.

Here's my question - without "tell him to get another job" should he be able to get health insurance if he's willing to pay? I say yes. Others say "No. He has no "right" to health insurance. Tell him to shut his business down and go get anther job that has benefits." I disagree with that. Should a health insurance company be able to charge him "$3,000 a month" for a guaranteed issue plan even if he had one? Again, I say no.

My largest problem is the gov't is supposed to provide for its citizens things they cannot do on their own. Right now with less than 50% of everyone covered through work we cannnot depend on businesses to provide coverage.

Not everyone lives in some thriving metropolis. There are people who live in small towns where finding work is hard at best - and they're gonna want full bene's?

Let me put it in another way, "Do we seek a Market Solution or a Government Solution"?
As a card carrying libertarian, I'd love to do away with most government programs, including Medicare, Social Security and all the other Ponzie Schemes.


Good thing you are over in the insurance world now where there are none of those schemes.
