The Most Important Coverage...

If you means buying car insurance, liability is the first layer most people need since in some states, it's the law (in California, there are minimum requirements).

Then comes UM (UMBI) and UMPD (that's Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury and Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Property Damage), which protects you from people that carry insufficient liability coverages like those who want cheap insurance and buy state minimums.

Then you have Comp and Collision, which pays for damages to your car with a deductible. Comp and Collision comes with definitions contained within a policy.

Then there are add ons and services, such as rental coverage, towing expenses, key lock out, etc. These options vary from company to company.

If you are new to buying car insurance, it may seem a lot of information, however a good agent can advise you and not pressure you into anything you don't need.
And to think by the title of this thread I figured we might have a discussion on Disability & Life Insurance...What could be more important coverage than something that replaces your #1 the ability to earn a paycheck.