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Charpress, do you feel the tax seminar is overworked as much as the other type seminars are?
Was your seminar built on annuity, 3 bucket, medicaid and tax savings?
Have you looked at Bagwells seminar?
Thanks for the input.
Tax seminar: Not sure which type you mean. There are seminars that promise to find money (the "Found Money" seminars) based on your last 1040 and get you a refund. There are also the line of seminars where you have either a tax professional involved or the you have in-house tax prep capabilities.
Bagwell: Not especially familiar with his $2K seminar, except that it made the Rip-Off Report.
Most "systems" are rip-offs of someone else's system that was itself a rip-off of someone's system. There isn't that much new under the sun.
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Charpress, thanks for the response. Just so I'm up front with everyone on here, I currently work for Advisors Excel. Not looking to hop on here to recruit, troll, etc, more as a tool to keep a pulse on what's going on in the field. However, if any of you are curios about what is working for our reps, feel free to ask.
I have been tempted to attend AE's dog and pony show on more than one occasion. I really don't mean dog and pony in a bad way.
I have a friend who attended you show a couple of days ago. We're going to get together in a day or two to see what he thinks about AE.
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