The Reform Bill & Cost Controls

Gaming the System in Massachusetts | Verum Serum

"Baker's data showed that about 40 percent of the consumers who purchased insurance from Harvard Pilgrim on the open market kept the insurance fewer than five months, and they incurred, on average, $2,400 a month in medical expenses — about six times higher than the monthly spending of other consumers."

Short-term customers boosting health costs - The Boston Globe

"In 2009 alone, 936 people signed up for coverage with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts for three months or less and ran up claims of more than $1,000 per month while in the plan."
Reading these comments from health insurance agents is truly amazing. It's as if you belive that they "meant well", but some how missed a few things.

If you believe that this whole "health care reform" bill is anything but pure politics, then you can't be helped.
bill3173, I agree, this bill did nothing to solve the problem, there is no reform. It was all politics and a scam to make people think they care when all they want is control.
The more they control and employ the better chance they have of reelection and then more control.
Just Sayin...
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