The Supreme Court Might Have to Postpone?

Big difference.
If upheld, this is the only instance where the govt compels everyone to buy a product or service.

So starting in 2014, will hospitals be allowed to turn away anyone who doesn't have insurance, or assets that can be used to pay the medical bills?

There are approximately 11 million illegal immigrants here in the country. No purchase mandate for them. Yet they run up an average of $4.3 billion in unpaid medical bills each year. Since they won't/can't participate by purchasing health coverage, should they be turned away from the E.R.?
There was a commer made today buy a justice asking if a hospital could require that's someone goes on Medicaid if they came into the ER with no insurance but qualified....and what the hospital's espouse would be if the person stated that they choose not to go on Medicaid.
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"comment"............damned iPhone.
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So starting in 2014, will hospitals be allowed to turn away anyone who doesn't have insurance, or assets that can be used to pay the medical bills?

There are approximately 11 million illegal immigrants here in the country. No purchase mandate for them. Yet they run up an average of $4.3 billion in unpaid medical bills each year. Since they won't/can't participate by purchasing health coverage, should they be turned away from the E.R.?

here on vacation.. no problem we'll treat you. Here for a heart operation on our dime? No thank you.. this madness with illegals has to stop now. If your staying for longer than one month you must provide proof of insurance to enter the country. end of story.
Let's not relieve insurance lobbyists of some responsibility for what we have in this law. Many wanted sgl payer, Obama was one I beleive, but inssurance Co's did not want to be dealt out of the game. Repubs sided with ins co.'s. So this was the "compromise." Correct me if I'm wrong.
So starting in 2014, will hospitals be allowed to turn away anyone who doesn't have insurance, or assets that can be used to pay the medical bills?

What about EMTALA ?
Let's not relieve insurance lobbyists of some responsibility for what we have in this law. Many wanted sgl payer, Obama was one I beleive, but inssurance Co's did not want to be dealt out of the game. Repubs sided with ins co.'s. So this was the "compromise." Correct me if I'm wrong.

Since Republicans didn't vote for this, its hard to see this as a compromise. Unless the Dems compromised with themselves and want to pass the blame.

Now, thats not to say the Republicans are blameless for this, but to say this was their compromise position doesn't pan out at all.

Today was an incredible argument to hear.

They even talk about burial insurance, and you can certainly derive their tone here in the audio and hear their intense skepticism an burden they place on the solicitor general for the administration's viewpoint.

In my humble opinion, this is very good news for agents and for the country.

Listen here!
