The Walk and Talk


New Member
What do you guys say when you walk into businesses cold? Do you introduce yourself and say a variation of your script that you use on the phone?

I plan on doing some this week and leading with health insurance.
All you want to do is introduce yourself and give them a sample of what you offer then walk out. Anything more and you are wasting time.

A simple brochure about you/your agency or a flyer and a business card. If you have a website that is something other than "go here for a quote" make sure they have that information.

If they have an interest they will either ask you on the spot or get back to you later.
What do you guys say when you walk into businesses cold?

DS4: "hi.....I'm an independent health insurance broker"
" do you currently have a group health plan for your ee's"
Business Owner: "yes"
DS4: "are you in a position to save some money on your
group health insurance premiums?"
This is what I say....." Hi, I would like to drop off some information, for the person who makes decision about" ( what ever you are selling) ........... I get a name, position, phone number, and maybe some small talk with receptionist. I call back 3-5 days later and attempt to make an appointment.
This is what I say....." Hi, I would like to drop off some information, for the person who makes decision about" ( what ever you are selling) ........... I get a name, position, phone number, and maybe some small talk with receptionist. I call back 3-5 days later and attempt to make an appointment.

That is about what I do.
The only difference is I call back in 2 days. Don't wait for a weekend to pass.
Why are you selling health insurance anyways??? Obama will offer free health care soon!!! CHANGE IS ON THE WAY BABY!
I would suggest not walking into businesses unannounced. It really doesn't say "I'm a busy professional with tons of clients because I'm so good at what I do." lol
I always call first and make clear that I don't drop in unannounced. I think most busy professionals appreciate it. Besides, who makes better clients, busy people or people sitting around with time to meet you during the day anytime you happen to walk in?