- 10,830
The white house has a site thats dedicated to providing info about (or should I say dedicated to advocating) obamacare.
Its at the top of most any search about health care reform. In the "whats in it for me?" section, there are so many half truths and misleading statements that its pure insanity..
1. "SMALL BUSINESS TAX CREDITS—Offers tax credits to small businesses to make employee coverage more affordable. Tax credits of up to 35 percent of premiums will be available to firms that choose to offer coverage. Effective beginning calendar year 2010. (Beginning in 2014, the small business tax credits will cover 50 percent of premiums.)"
All true for businesses with 10 or less employees. Except all of the credits end in 2016, only 2 years after the major parts of the bill go into effect.
"HELP FOR UNINSURED AMERICANS WITH PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS UNTIL EXCHANGE IS AVAILABLE (INTERIM HIGH‐RISK POOL)—Provides access to affordable insurance for Americans who are uninsured because of a pre‐existing condition through a temporary subsidized high‐risk pool. Effective in 2010."
They provide a high risk pool but do not specify if any premium subsidies will be available. Industry insiders are saying that high risk pool premiums are most likely going to be in the $900-$1K/month range....
This will only cause premiums to rise. Individual HI on a 20 something is dirt cheap. Most do not need the same plan structure as their 50 year old parents who visit the doctor 4 times per year. Most kids in their 20s rarely use HI, an individual plan suited to their needs is the best to reduce cost and increase suitability.
"FREE PREVENTIVE CARE UNDER NEW PRIVATE PLANS—Requires new private plans to cover preventive services with no co‐payments and with preventive services being exempt from deductibles. Effective 6 months after enactment."
Why? Again, this will only cause premiums to rise. Most plans are able to be set up so that you pay no more than $30 or $40 for a preventive care visit. If you cant handle $30 a few times per year at most theres something wrong.
"NEW, INDEPENDENT APPEALS PROCESS—Ensures consumers in new plans have access to an effective internal and external appeals process to appeal decisions by their health insurance plan. Effective 6 months after enactment."
Most states already have some kind of format to do this I believe. Its just adding on more cost and bureaucracy to the bill.
"ENSURES VALUE FOR PREMIUM PAYMENTS—Requires plans in the individual and small group market to spend 80 percent of premium dollars on medical services, and plans in the large group market to spend 85 percent. Insurers that do not meet these thresholds must provide rebates to policyholders. Effective on January 1, 2011."
This is nothing more than forcing the health insurance companies to take a cut in profits... or to raise premiums/cut benefits to compensate for the loss... either way its forcing a private company to take a reduction in profits.
"Q: Am I required to offer insurance to my employees?
A: No. There is not a so-called "employer mandate" in the legislation."
Theres no mandate but there is a fine for businesses with over 50 employees who dont offer insurance... isnt that a requirement by fine.. I would think so.
Q: Are there small business tax increases in this new law?
A: No. In fact, small businesses get tax breaks for health insurance rather than tax increases under the law.
The medicare tax went up for most small business owners... that will filter down to the employees...
They keep on posting new stuff to the site and making changes, I cant wait to see what other BS they try to turn into the truth
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found more BS, even worse than above!!!
"Reduces the Hidden Tax on Small Business Employees with Health Insurance
-Status Quo: Hidden Tax Adds $1,000 to Every Premium. Currently, the cost of treating the uninsured adds a "hidden tax" of over $1,000 to every health care premium.
-Solution: Reduce Hidden Tax by Dramatically Expanding Coverage. Health reform will significantly reduce this tax by covering an additional 32 million additional Americans by 2019."
A "hidden tax"?? Pure propaganda. And I have never seen any evidence that the number is that high.
"Taken together, the measures described above will significantly reduce premiums for small businesses. According to CBO, health reform will reduce the cost of a given plan in the small group market by 1-4 percent by 2016."
1-4 percent is significant?
Lets take a 10 person business with premiums of $800/month per employee with a 50/50 split.
Thats $96000/year in premiums.
If you achieve a 3% reduction that is $2880 less per year.
Assuming that the business and employees both split the reduction evenly:
Thats $1440 less for the business (peanuts compared to their overall overhead of operating)
And its only $144 less per year (or $14.40/month) back to each employee.... not very significant when your paying $400+ per month for insurance..
Its at the top of most any search about health care reform. In the "whats in it for me?" section, there are so many half truths and misleading statements that its pure insanity..
1. "SMALL BUSINESS TAX CREDITS—Offers tax credits to small businesses to make employee coverage more affordable. Tax credits of up to 35 percent of premiums will be available to firms that choose to offer coverage. Effective beginning calendar year 2010. (Beginning in 2014, the small business tax credits will cover 50 percent of premiums.)"
All true for businesses with 10 or less employees. Except all of the credits end in 2016, only 2 years after the major parts of the bill go into effect.
"HELP FOR UNINSURED AMERICANS WITH PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS UNTIL EXCHANGE IS AVAILABLE (INTERIM HIGH‐RISK POOL)—Provides access to affordable insurance for Americans who are uninsured because of a pre‐existing condition through a temporary subsidized high‐risk pool. Effective in 2010."
They provide a high risk pool but do not specify if any premium subsidies will be available. Industry insiders are saying that high risk pool premiums are most likely going to be in the $900-$1K/month range....
This will only cause premiums to rise. Individual HI on a 20 something is dirt cheap. Most do not need the same plan structure as their 50 year old parents who visit the doctor 4 times per year. Most kids in their 20s rarely use HI, an individual plan suited to their needs is the best to reduce cost and increase suitability.
"FREE PREVENTIVE CARE UNDER NEW PRIVATE PLANS—Requires new private plans to cover preventive services with no co‐payments and with preventive services being exempt from deductibles. Effective 6 months after enactment."
Why? Again, this will only cause premiums to rise. Most plans are able to be set up so that you pay no more than $30 or $40 for a preventive care visit. If you cant handle $30 a few times per year at most theres something wrong.
"NEW, INDEPENDENT APPEALS PROCESS—Ensures consumers in new plans have access to an effective internal and external appeals process to appeal decisions by their health insurance plan. Effective 6 months after enactment."
Most states already have some kind of format to do this I believe. Its just adding on more cost and bureaucracy to the bill.
"ENSURES VALUE FOR PREMIUM PAYMENTS—Requires plans in the individual and small group market to spend 80 percent of premium dollars on medical services, and plans in the large group market to spend 85 percent. Insurers that do not meet these thresholds must provide rebates to policyholders. Effective on January 1, 2011."
This is nothing more than forcing the health insurance companies to take a cut in profits... or to raise premiums/cut benefits to compensate for the loss... either way its forcing a private company to take a reduction in profits.
"Q: Am I required to offer insurance to my employees?
A: No. There is not a so-called "employer mandate" in the legislation."
Theres no mandate but there is a fine for businesses with over 50 employees who dont offer insurance... isnt that a requirement by fine.. I would think so.
Q: Are there small business tax increases in this new law?
A: No. In fact, small businesses get tax breaks for health insurance rather than tax increases under the law.
The medicare tax went up for most small business owners... that will filter down to the employees...
They keep on posting new stuff to the site and making changes, I cant wait to see what other BS they try to turn into the truth
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found more BS, even worse than above!!!
"Reduces the Hidden Tax on Small Business Employees with Health Insurance
-Status Quo: Hidden Tax Adds $1,000 to Every Premium. Currently, the cost of treating the uninsured adds a "hidden tax" of over $1,000 to every health care premium.
-Solution: Reduce Hidden Tax by Dramatically Expanding Coverage. Health reform will significantly reduce this tax by covering an additional 32 million additional Americans by 2019."
A "hidden tax"?? Pure propaganda. And I have never seen any evidence that the number is that high.
"Taken together, the measures described above will significantly reduce premiums for small businesses. According to CBO, health reform will reduce the cost of a given plan in the small group market by 1-4 percent by 2016."
1-4 percent is significant?
Lets take a 10 person business with premiums of $800/month per employee with a 50/50 split.
Thats $96000/year in premiums.
If you achieve a 3% reduction that is $2880 less per year.
Assuming that the business and employees both split the reduction evenly:
Thats $1440 less for the business (peanuts compared to their overall overhead of operating)
And its only $144 less per year (or $14.40/month) back to each employee.... not very significant when your paying $400+ per month for insurance..
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