These Are Always So Boring....

I don't think you just wake up one day and start making six figures. I've been writing for years and freelanced for a while, building up my client base before I committed to it full time. My approach is really more vague than fascinating, I'm sure :)

Yes, I didn't mean to imply that you suddenly wake up one day... as if it happens miraculously... but what often happens is you are busy, busy on the treadmill of life and your profession, and then one day you take notice and shazaam, you have achieved that level of success... I know that must be hard work at building enough clients to relate into a business large enough to generate a livable wage... at least it would seem so.

So the trader at Ray's place is essentially the person who places the trades... like a Broker accepts a trade from their client, and then you executed the trade from within the home office...? So adminstrative, but you have to understand the entire process and hold the proper licenses to be involved in the trade...?
Yes, I didn't mean to imply that you suddenly wake up one day... as if it happens miraculously... but what often happens is you are busy, busy on the treadmill of life and your profession, and then one day you take notice and shazaam, you have achieved that level of success... I know that must be hard work at building enough clients to relate into a business large enough to generate a livable wage... at least it would seem so.

So the trader at Ray's place is essentially the person who places the trades... like a Broker accepts a trade from their client, and then you executed the trade from within the home office...? So adminstrative, but you have to understand the entire process and hold the proper licenses to be involved in the trade...?

It is a lot of work, but you know how it is with a labor of love, it never really seems that bad :)

Yes, you do have to understand how the market works, hold the right licenses, understand the difference between opening and closing option positions, contract number vs. shares in options, help guide clients through placing different types of trades (i.e. limit orders, stops, GTC, day orders, etc.). Decode what they are saying when they pick up slang for trading and think they are using actual terminology ;)

I think it requires a little more finesse and knowledge than strictly administrative work, but it is certainly not rocket science.
I love going to the japanese steakhouse. That is the only place I will eat shrimp at. I love the salad and soup thing also.

I think with my stomach a lot.
You know, I've never been but everyone tells me they're great. I have no interest in watching someone prepare my food though....are there tables where you don't have to watch the "show"?