Thoughts On F&G

Twilight what would be a minimum order for FE telemarketed leads and what parameters would you use for NC ? Thank you very much.

We actually charge by the hour of telemarketing time. 10 hours is the minimum and is only available to agents that are contracted with us. we average 6-8 Hot leads with some medical background and screened for Check/Savings per 5 hour shift.

Most of our agents purchase in 20 hour blocks and average 8 times ROI.

Hours are prepaid on Fridays via PayPal or EFT and called on the following week M-TH. Lead reports are daily, so the agent can call within 24 hours.

All leads are exclusive to the agent no matter how many are received. There is a waiting list for telemarketing time. Once an agent is assigned a telemarketer, they do not like to give them up and reorder each week.

We are not a lead company and do not sell to agents that are not contracted under us. Our pricing is very low and is at least 50% or less than mail leads, with better info and have quick turnaround for appts. Same week.
Good products, bad service. They are on pace to surpass their 2012 maximum production. In an effort to curb this they are suspending new agent contracting effective 4/13/12 until further notice.

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