Time to Kick Ass


1000 Post Club
After all these months of gridlock and uncertainty ...
Finally, it starts to break.
So far, the last couple of weeks it's been active clients adding on son's or renewing or going to a new company, but it's coming.
Oh yes, new clients a plenty moving into the new year ...
back up the Brink's ... IT'S BLOWBACK TIME!!!
Re: Time to Kick Ass.

I hear ya. All my ducks are in a row. Prospects coming out of the woodwork. Still adding polish to the pitch, but thinking 2010 is going to be an interesting year.
Re: Time to Kick Ass.

Its so interesting all these people coming off the 9 month COBRA subsidy asking themselves where in the hell their handout went. What, no more manna from heaven? Obama was supposed to pay for all my healthcare. What? Its not FREE yet? WTF?
Re: Time to Kick Ass.

Its so interesting all these people coming off the 9 month COBRA subsidy asking themselves where in the hell their handout went. What, no more manna from heaven? Obama was supposed to pay for all my healthcare. What? Its not FREE yet? WTF?

There ya go Dime.
That's what I've been saying, that b.s. ARRA deal was just an attempted prelimb towards federal take over.
Suck it you pond scum socialist b*stards.
Re: Time to Kick Ass.

Its so interesting all these people coming off the 9 month COBRA subsidy asking themselves where in the hell their handout went. What, no more manna from heaven? Obama was supposed to pay for all my healthcare. What? Its not FREE yet? WTF?

Thank the Chinese they fronted the money.
Re: Time to Kick Ass.

Thank the Chinese they fronted the money.

Yet Obama is off hob-nobbing with the Copenhagen crew who want the U.S. to subsidize India and China's emission credits because they are "developing countries." So are supposed to borrow more money from China to give to China.

Change you can believe in.