To Sum It All Up

I was dead wrong. I was absoultely positive health care would pass and be on Obama's desk by end of '09 - Jan. '10 latest.

Man, you talk about a wild card being drawn with the Brown situation.

We still have to watch labeling this as dead. The next step will be to draw up a bill with features the items supported by both the House and Senate.

It is dead. Original Obamacare is totally dead. Sons of Obamacare will sprout like mushrooms every month and every Congressional session for the rest of your life and many of them will pass. Die-hards will still argue that HillaryCare is not dead either because it popped back up in the form of Obamacare. Whatever. "Original Obamacare" is dead though. Don't expect Ben Nelson to be getting his deal anytime soon.

Can I interest you in a co-op, and perhaps we can call that Obamacare? Of couse guaranteed issue and all of that are still on the horizon in one of the Sons of Obamacare. Mmmmm mandate? don't be so sure, maybe incentives instead.

It will be interesting to see if they go for the Medicaid expansion as a separate bill. Much like what they did with SCHIP early in 2009. This is a way to appease the low income folks who still love Barry at least until they get their foreclosure and eviction notice.

If they try expanding Medicaid watch for pushback by the states, both red & blue. They don't have the bucks to fund their portion of Medicaid unless they can cut a deal like the Louisiana Purchase or the Ben Nelson deal.

Of course the SCHIP expansion was funded with Obamabucks which are probably running out any day now. No word if there will be a refill on those dollars.
It will be interesting to see if they go for the Medicaid expansion as a separate bill. Much like what they did with SCHIP early in 2009. This is a way to appease the low income folks who still love Barry at least until they get their foreclosure and eviction notice.

If they try expanding Medicaid watch for pushback by the states, both red & blue. They don't have the bucks to fund their portion of Medicaid unless they can cut a deal like the Louisiana Purchase or the Ben Nelson deal.

Of course the SCHIP expansion was funded with Obamabucks which are probably running out any day now. No word if there will be a refill on those dollars.

It is all a tangled web now. If left to themselves, the states would have had to cut back on medicaid in the last year but they used stimulus funds to plug the match. So even if they dont expand medicaid, the states are dependent on a continuation of stimulus just to maintain. Basically, the feds are nationalizing state deficits through the stimulus program. States are addicted to the fed stimulus money and the feds cant cut it off without seeing hundreds of thousands of jobs being cut. Not saying that it created any jobs because it didnt, but it was used to maintain government workers who should have been laid off as part of fiscal responsibility.

Of course the more the feds can get the states dependent then the more it can strong arm them into particapting in other programs. Tis the socialist way.
States are addicted to the fed stimulus money and the feds cant cut it off without seeing hundreds of thousands of jobs being cut. Not saying that it created any jobs because it didnt, but it was used to maintain government workers who should have been laid off as part of fiscal responsibility.

Sounds like a talking counter-point to the SOU address to come on Wednesday PM.

Just had a brain fart. Can't recall who is supposed to give the rebuttal to SOU. I know it isn't Bobby Jindal. Whoever gave him the nod for last year should be shot. Talk about someone dropping off the face of the earth.
Yikes, I can still see Jindal walking toward the camera with that creepy, frozen smile on his face. One of the iconic moments of the last couple of years.

Yikes, I can still see Jindal walking toward the camera with that creepy, frozen smile on his face. One of the iconic moments of the last couple of years.


They should put Newt on. Tis better at this point to have someone say something smart and strategic even if they are dull.

Let's see...........John McCain.......ahhh noooo.. Sarah Palin......ahhh no........Michael Steele..........don't think so. John Boner.......okay but he has been recyled around a bit and is just the basic spokesmodel now.
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Jindal was a very poor choice and the setting looked like something out of Edgar Allan Poe' House of Usher. It was almost like the Pubbie's were trying to showcase a person of color in hopes of showing they are diverse too.

Maybe it's not too late to parade Scott Brown around. Or at least have some pics from his Cosmo spread posted conspicuously in the background in order to capture the female viewers.