Toll Free Numbers Anymore?

I have had a toll free number for over 20 years. My land line number has changed several times in that time but my 800 number has remained constant. I work in a state with about 167,000 square miles and over 30 area codes. And over a half dozen more states by referral.

If I had to choose only one number to keep it would be my 800 number.

Assuming you work in other parts of your state much, As xrac said, it is very little money to invest in your business. Kinda like using Compulife or Fexquotes Some people say they do not use them so it is a waste of money. Others use them daily and rely on them to make money and see them as an investment.
I've been doing this 10 years and never have had a toll free number. No plans to get one either.

JD, your business model is to purchase leads along with working whatever referrals are generated. You do not do marketing to any real degree. In your situation a toll free number might not have a lot of value but I suspect that it could have some.

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