Too Scared to Go Public

Dirty, dirty, dirty politics.

The Chicago-style politics that Emanuel is playing will get them voted out of office.
Dirty, dirty, dirty politics.

The Chicago-style politics that Emanuel is playing will get them voted out of office.

I hope so. This is one of the most corrupt administrations that we have ever had in my opinion.
There are some reports that contradict this actually happening. Google it. I wouldn't put it beneath this crop of criminals, but it doesn't look like this actually happened the way the American Spectator article said it did...
Ah yes....but of course The Regime pushed back. So....

The American Spectator : HHS's Data Game

Just a wee little bit:

"That the report was issued after the bill's passage is not in dispute. What is in dispute is who had data and when were those estimates initially available. According to our sources, researchers in the actuary's office had several models prepared, at least one of them based on the Senate health care reform bill, which was passed several months before the House vote. Data from studying the Senate bill indicated that -- big surprise -- the bill would increase health care costs. "