Top 10 Tips for Using Online Insurance Leads

Dallas Health Insurance

Get Dallas Health Insurance -
Blue Cross, Aetna, Humana, & More.

Any site that has this look is an AWL site. Pick a city and add health insurance, and you'll quickly find an AWL site.

Affordable Dental Plans

Get Affordable Dental Insurance
Online - Blue Cross, Aetna & More.

I wonder if this will end up as a major medical lead???
Frankly, I don't know why lead vendors post here. None of them want to answer questions honestly. It's like expecting a politician to give you a straight answer.

It will never happen.

Perhaps if Kathy would provide some of the sites they use for harvesting leads we could test and see just how the process works. My guess is you will see a link to eHealth, NetQuote and Vimo somewhere in the process.


I'm not an AWL employee, but I am privy to a few things...

AWL is, for the most part, a wholesaler. They have THE most sophisticated pay-per-click program I have ever seen. It's all automated; the system figures which keywords will produce the most leads for the least $. Unfortunately, that does result in a lot of "poor" keyword use, as well as "health" leads generated as dental, vision, etc.

They sell the majority of their leads to other vendors and are involved in as many affiliate programs as anyone. So, leads you get from them will be distributed throughout their small agent network, sold to another company, and the consumer will be bombarded with attempts to get them to fill out more quote requests.

It's interesting how the AWL employee here said the "details" of a lead program aren't as important as the ROI; as if the two are somehow unrelated. Hilarious.
Appreciate the insight.

Are there ANY lead vendors that don't wholesale to competitors or are those days gone?
Those days are gone. When you buy a lead from "XYZ" vendor you really don't know where it came from or how it was generated; email spam, banner ad, natural search. Was it generated by XYZ vendor or did they buy it from another vendor who already sold it to their 6 agents? Was the lead sent in "real time" or is it a few hours...or days old. Does the vendor use lead optimization software that determines which kind of leads you get?
I notice you found time to post TEN links to your site but still won't answer a simple question...

"I'm not anonymous. The simple question was whether or not AllwebLeads ever buys or sells leads to other lead vendors. Kind of a simple question."

And the resaon we want to know are posts like this:

Board, I have been using allwebleads for 6 months and decided to test them after I read some of this forum. I wanted to post my findings for other agents. I checked the email account I tested them with and found that at the 30 day mark, I received an email from allwebleads telling me "if I had not found coverage yet, to fill out another request for quote because they had just added new carriers and plans"....30 days is their refund deadline.

Below is part of the email I sent cancelling my account.

After testing allwebleads, I received 6 emails with links to ehealthinsurance where upon further investigation showed that YOU would receive credit for apps ($40 per app) through their affiliate program. So why am I paying you for a lead where you are competing against me. Is that fair to me? I am paying you for a lead and you get to solicit it as well???? If I would have known that, I would have not signed up with you in the first place (my fault for not testing you earlier).

With allwebleads, I received 6 emails from ehealthinsurance, 1 from another agent, 1 from VIMO (listing 4 agents), and 1 from Netquote (listing 3 agents), and no where did I EVER see my name mentioned. And to top it off, the brand new email box I used for allwebleads has been flooded with spam. Now I know why my conversion with you was so terrible. When I am competing against call centers, 7+ agents, ehealthinsurance, and my own lead company, I should expect the results I was getting.

Good luck with your business, but as agents wise up and test your service, I am sure your business will suffer. There are many other lead providers out there that provide what an agent is expecting in a lead service and not sneaking around behind you trying to sell a lead you bought from them....

Disclaimer: I have never used Allwebleads which is why I (and others) are asking for additional information.
Still seeding the sites I see!